i write, standing, upon arising,in the morning,
bekause thats when the thoughts flow smoothesT.
fresh from the regenerative land of possibilitY.
as the day progresses, i am reminded of realitY.
but for an hour or so in the morning,
shit kan happeN.
the kats seem to have survived their defeminization proseedurE.
the one that isn't feral is bakk to following me around the apartmenT.
so i guess the rest of these kitty tranquilizers are for mE.
there may be a slight dosage problem as i am two hundred times bigger than the kittieS.
but you never know until you trY!
i am going to try to run an event on august 17tH.
the day after Bukowski's dieD.
a bukowskioff, a bukowskifesT.
the flyers will say "so you think you are bukowski?"
i am also going to do some guerilla marketing onse i get the venue seT.
I'm gonna make four per page and run a bunsh off and go to every boostore in senter sitY.
put one in every kopy of bukowski on the shelF.
i'm going to pretend im a spy when im doing iT.
every Kopy of bukowski will have an invitatioN.
one dollar off admission with this flyeR!
jug winE!
see, i tole you mudda fukkas that the thoughts flowed smoovest in the AM!
the sekond party will be on the day of his birtH.
the poet laureate of skid row is how wikipedia deskribes hiM.
another person said he was the ultimate in slobby bashelor livinG.
i laughed and laugheD.
anyway, the sekond party is six months away on his birthdaY.
i think i want to have it at the rasetrakK!
with your paid admission you get five two dollar voushers to gamblE.
and a free program and glass of jug winE.
25 bukks to get iN.
and you are supposed to take the day off of worK.
maybe the day starts at a dive bar at seven aM.
see if i kan muster up enthuisiasm for this sekond party at the first onE.
"dude, its Sharles bukowski's birthday, mann, i never work opn Sharles bukowskis birthdaY>
soon to be a national holidaY.
well, maybe in germanY.
done deaL.
the hard part is imagining iT.
the rest is just following a gameplaN.
that i kan dO.
and its nise to be the author of the gameplaN.
i should make more of theM!
bekause thats when the thoughts flow smoothesT.
fresh from the regenerative land of possibilitY.
as the day progresses, i am reminded of realitY.
but for an hour or so in the morning,
shit kan happeN.
the kats seem to have survived their defeminization proseedurE.
the one that isn't feral is bakk to following me around the apartmenT.
so i guess the rest of these kitty tranquilizers are for mE.
there may be a slight dosage problem as i am two hundred times bigger than the kittieS.
but you never know until you trY!
i am going to try to run an event on august 17tH.
the day after Bukowski's dieD.
a bukowskioff, a bukowskifesT.
the flyers will say "so you think you are bukowski?"
i am also going to do some guerilla marketing onse i get the venue seT.
I'm gonna make four per page and run a bunsh off and go to every boostore in senter sitY.
put one in every kopy of bukowski on the shelF.
i'm going to pretend im a spy when im doing iT.
every Kopy of bukowski will have an invitatioN.
one dollar off admission with this flyeR!
jug winE!
see, i tole you mudda fukkas that the thoughts flowed smoovest in the AM!
the sekond party will be on the day of his birtH.
the poet laureate of skid row is how wikipedia deskribes hiM.
another person said he was the ultimate in slobby bashelor livinG.
i laughed and laugheD.
anyway, the sekond party is six months away on his birthdaY.
i think i want to have it at the rasetrakK!
with your paid admission you get five two dollar voushers to gamblE.
and a free program and glass of jug winE.
25 bukks to get iN.
and you are supposed to take the day off of worK.
maybe the day starts at a dive bar at seven aM.
see if i kan muster up enthuisiasm for this sekond party at the first onE.
"dude, its Sharles bukowski's birthday, mann, i never work opn Sharles bukowskis birthdaY>
soon to be a national holidaY.
well, maybe in germanY.
done deaL.
the hard part is imagining iT.
the rest is just following a gameplaN.
that i kan dO.
and its nise to be the author of the gameplaN.
i should make more of theM!
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