waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

the monkey troop that once embraced me is starting to get suspicious of my non-monkey behavior
this might be my last report from the field in a while

the monkeys used to get me
i tried to be like them
i was a rising star in the monkey universe
teaching lower status monkeys how to communicate and follow higher status monkeys directives
an active member of monkey society
now that i actively reject their false monkey values
im more hyena to them

they grow suspicious

this group highly prizes acquisitiveness
they spend years hoarding bananas that they will never eat while other monkeys starve
their own monkey scientists blame DNA for it
it helps the aquisitive monkeys sleep better to think that their greed is based on science
greedy monkeys were the ones that survived to reproduce
monkeys like myself became cheetah fodder
self deprecating monkeys are highly compensated with more bananas they can eat in this society
its important to keep the low status monkeys laughing instead of plotting
important to the monkey heirarchy that there are loser monkeys out there who made it monkeys just like you
who got out therre and id it, chased moneky success and now have to but burglar alarms and hire guerillas to protect them from the rest of monkey society which they freely admit is full of theives
the theivery is celebrated in monkey culture
the grandest banana hoards are based on deceptions and addictions and these clever primates congratulate themselves on their rich primate deceptivensss
deceptive monkeys pass their genetics on
apologists for monkey society shake their head and say thats the way its always been
monkey society is based on fear
fearful monkyes stay in their trees
fearful monkeys are easy to govern
fearful monkeys are our best customers
the fear leads to a need for eascape
which leads these sedentary monkeys now limited to one tree by their fear to cope with the fear by eating drinking or smoking themselves into a coma
addictions make them easy to manipulate
they do this with a series of boxes which are connected to networks of anxiety providers who stoke the monkey imaginations with wildly farcial vignettes of typical monkey life that make the monkeys wasnt to consume
gorgeous emaciated monkeys populate these boxes in order to sell exercise equipment beauty products and fat pills
to cofuse the monkeys even more these gorgeous emaciated monkeys are shown drinking and eating all manner of unhealhy things which trigger similar behavior in the box watching monkeys
confused monkeys are easily led

the monkeys are onto me
ive got to go participate in some social grooming
more later


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