waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Sunday, September 25, 2005

sunday morning means im shuffling like a crippled old man to the bathroom again. rugby is brutal to my ankles, especially on concrete-hard turf like yesterday. i catch a peek of this weeks bruise collection in the mirror and pop an advil and shuffle back to bed.
man, it's gona be fun to be old and arthitic and walk like his for a decade or two. a few glucosamine may help so they go down the hatch as well.
typing with a few less fingers today aw well, they get a little stretched ou and stepped on and over used.
mood on the upswing these days. i ran into a student from my first posting where i taught creative writing for two glorius years in the hood before being promoted to a classroom of my own. this kid was at the same useless job fair i was, and remembered me and asked my why i was looking for a job, and why wasnt i teaching. he seemed to think i was good at it.
he didnt seem insane. dude is making 45,000 a year working at the stock exchange as a specialty clerk. i worked there on one of my teaching breaks, when i figured the death threats from a kids father sounded pretty real and quit for awhile....
i was making 9.59 an hour.....doing a similar job....good for him...he stuck with it and his good attitude and hardworking nature that he had in eigth grade served him well in the stock exchange. he told me about a classmate who also is killing it jobwise making 19 an hour for the electric company climbing phone polls and of a chick who just got back from iraq where she had to run over peoples grandmothers and children in humvees because they were in the road and possibly slowing the trucks for attack. says that they run over people every day over there and that she got used to the crunching sound from the wheel wells of those oh so cool vehicles. maybe that should get some play from the advertisers....
"Tough enough to run down your granny, almost armored enough to withstand a ied, the new hummer 3 is all about urban cool. whether tooling around krunching kids in basul, or outmanuvering a miniwan at the local mall, the new H3 is the COOLEST RIDE ON THE PLANET. the paint is specially designed so that blood washed of with just a simple spray of water.
anyway the thing about these three kids that made them memorable was that you knew they were going to make it on to bigger and better things because of their attitude. they transcended their circumstances and found thier way through the minefield that is inner city living. they knew how to talk to adults who were trying to teach them and aid them in their quest and took advantage of the opportunity that exists even in the shittiest of public schools.
there is a way out but you have to play the game right, and you knew that they knew it and hoped that they would not windup another tragic headline.
i ate lunch with my ex-student and he kept telling me that i should get back into the ed game and that he appreciated my efforts and made work fun. which is pretty cool. which is why im not moping around all smelly and depressed like i have been for the last nine months.
there are even hopeful lloking opportunities in the paper this week. the tastiest of which is manager of the strip club down the street. im going to lie my ass off to get that job. it probably sucks like every other job on the planet, but in the finest possible manner.
so im basically flooding the streets with resume's this week and taking the first available job while considering taking up teaching again, maybe.
the adult entertainment industry has souls in need of saving too. i can be father theresa to drug addled strippers, saving them from crippling addictions and providing free counselling to them in their hours of greatest need. selflessly giving of myself to help these confused, fragile creatures, going the extra mile, giving it my all to become the best strip joint manager the world has ever seen. the kind they build statues in honor of, name bridges after and hold up as an example for future generations. ben franklin 2005. my first initiative will be quality control where my unwavering dedication to customer service will compel me to do daily spot checks, whatever it takes. as long as it takes, amen


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