waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Saturday, May 05, 2007

checking the radar in kentucky for todays weather
getting the technological edge
kentucky derby day
and i have cash to burn
a paycheck in my pocket
and all sorts of interesting wagering philosophies
been dune some reading of the experts
on line jumped off the page
some chick analyst for the racing channel wrote
"...Curlin is a magnificent looking animal with an excellent mind."
so its hard to be against him
you dont want to lose a horserace to the only horse genius in the field
he'll never let you forget it
like a snarky smart ass mr spock
it is illogical that you didnt bet me
silly human
pass me the oats
but others arent so sure about this genius horse
so im checking out the radar
seeing if horse with a family history of success over muddy tracks can bring me the winning ticket
so i have to take the precsion of weather analysis which is an exact science
filter through the "expert" horse opinions
add a little verbal karma to the stew
some horses names are too clever to pass up
some speak to the literary person in me
cant be resisted and cat horses always win
so its cowtown cat who happens to be a mudder
any given saturday with its rugby refernces
saturday is rugby day
dominican with the odds
and the vibe
and the grooove
box them in the exacta for 6 bucks
add zanjero and play a trifecta box for 24 bucks and theres some fun the whole family can enjoy

then do an exacta
a box with great hunter and any of the other two, just for fun,
once a year why not
6 bucks on 20
36 bucks so far
then six on the bake boys play
eric is obviously liquidity
john is sam p his sons name and i am
horse 12 no biz like show biz because i am such a superstar
thats the 13,12,9
six more bucks in a trifecta
add the 18 to make a superfecta key the 12 with the 13,9,18
for 6 more
making 48 bucks
then 2 0n my birthday numbers 9,13 with 9,13 with 6 and three
just in case my birthday wants to pay me off in the derby
these are my official posted bets and for 50 bucks what the fuck?
now to call my brothers so they can get rich too
bet and be rich
or read about the fun im having iin the tropics


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