Puffy red faced reflection in the sunglasses display
“Look at the dying fat man mommy!” exclaims a princess laden four year old with her life in front of her
Jokes on her
By the time shes done wasting 2 years in a commuity college, she’ll be a fifty grand in debt and no jobs with benefits anywhere in the tri-state area. Unless she wants to change baby boomers diapers for twelve bucks an hour on a probationary basis for six months.
Universal health coverage will be chugging along nicely, but at 150 a week and 100 dollar copay for doctors visits and 50 buck prescriptions, its no bargain
The Chinese owners of the country will still have jobs for English tutors in the mandarin provinces, but the pollution is so bad there that they all have to wear masks 3 days out of five
They will forgive your student loan debt though, now that they ownall federal loans when they decided not to renew our rolling credit line and instead bought all our citizens federal debts.
Weird how they knew that was coming and allied with India, Russia and japan to buy up all the oil on the marker and squeeze us into a slow death.
The new landlords aint bad tho
they’ve had thousands of years of ruling peasants under their belt
A very old and very wise culture
A culture with long memories
Remembering when they came to this country as coolies and sub human laboreres who could not by law compete with white men for jobs
Second class citizens, who could only labor in womans work, laundries and kichens.
Soon there was a Chinese restaurant on every corner, with a dry cleaner on the other and a conveinience store selling 40’s on the third.
English is still the language of business, but the high level lawyers all speak Cantonese now
So learn to speak chink you rude little tyke
You will make some Chinese business owner a beautiful whore
Ill have had my stroke by the time the mayan astronauts land
I wooda liked to have seen them tho
Who knew the mayans were Chinese too?
“Look at the dying fat man mommy!” exclaims a princess laden four year old with her life in front of her
Jokes on her
By the time shes done wasting 2 years in a commuity college, she’ll be a fifty grand in debt and no jobs with benefits anywhere in the tri-state area. Unless she wants to change baby boomers diapers for twelve bucks an hour on a probationary basis for six months.
Universal health coverage will be chugging along nicely, but at 150 a week and 100 dollar copay for doctors visits and 50 buck prescriptions, its no bargain
The Chinese owners of the country will still have jobs for English tutors in the mandarin provinces, but the pollution is so bad there that they all have to wear masks 3 days out of five
They will forgive your student loan debt though, now that they ownall federal loans when they decided not to renew our rolling credit line and instead bought all our citizens federal debts.
Weird how they knew that was coming and allied with India, Russia and japan to buy up all the oil on the marker and squeeze us into a slow death.
The new landlords aint bad tho
they’ve had thousands of years of ruling peasants under their belt
A very old and very wise culture
A culture with long memories
Remembering when they came to this country as coolies and sub human laboreres who could not by law compete with white men for jobs
Second class citizens, who could only labor in womans work, laundries and kichens.
Soon there was a Chinese restaurant on every corner, with a dry cleaner on the other and a conveinience store selling 40’s on the third.
English is still the language of business, but the high level lawyers all speak Cantonese now
So learn to speak chink you rude little tyke
You will make some Chinese business owner a beautiful whore
Ill have had my stroke by the time the mayan astronauts land
I wooda liked to have seen them tho
Who knew the mayans were Chinese too?
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