tapdancing for change on the corner
getting by on tiny part time jobs
this economy makes one think on one's feet
on the occasions i do print out a resume and actively seek work
the scene is always the same
a cafe full of applicants with folders in front of them
trying to look perky, unworried
a harried hostess who throws yours on pile a mile high
and then the feeling of blessed relief
the warm embrace of failure
it would be too complex to explain your life to this manager
in terms he or she would understand
to explain the efficiency in your life
efficiency that is often taken for laziness by others
others who do not see the genius,
the tae kwon do principles
i use lifes energy against it,
as it engages me
i do not actively engage life
that would require choices and actions
actions which have been shown time and again to be futile
i wont hide from life,
but im not crashing through it either
waving a flashlight around
scaring the natives
what if i found a real job
the horror
had to shave regular
get a haircut
the horror
i am content to take the slices of life that float by
still cocky enough to think that if i HAD to get a job
to feed some kids or pay for some womans love
i could voluntarily torture myself on a daily basis
like in the warehouse
i could force myself to bite my toungue and play well with others
i could endure the outrageous slings and arrows if i had to
but it goes against my true nature
and it makes me drink more and get fat
when i transform into MR WORKINGMAN
booze become a neccessary part of my daily routine
when im employed i become very friendly with happy hour barkeeps
to take the edge off
to make the horror go away
to quiet the rage beast within
the one that wants to mangle stomp and burn
when im employed my weight skyrockets and my health declines
its better for everyone that i dabble with work instead of plunging into it
a little dab will do me
now if i can find someone to do me
that would be neat
sending out universal vibe now
the recorded female voice of the universe kicks in
"Thankyou for your recent vibrations of love. Do to heavy vibe volume we are unable to process your request at this time, however your vibes are very important to the universe and have been logged, noted and filed away for future consideration. Have a groovy day."
getting by on tiny part time jobs
this economy makes one think on one's feet
on the occasions i do print out a resume and actively seek work
the scene is always the same
a cafe full of applicants with folders in front of them
trying to look perky, unworried
a harried hostess who throws yours on pile a mile high
and then the feeling of blessed relief
the warm embrace of failure
it would be too complex to explain your life to this manager
in terms he or she would understand
to explain the efficiency in your life
efficiency that is often taken for laziness by others
others who do not see the genius,
the tae kwon do principles
i use lifes energy against it,
as it engages me
i do not actively engage life
that would require choices and actions
actions which have been shown time and again to be futile
i wont hide from life,
but im not crashing through it either
waving a flashlight around
scaring the natives
what if i found a real job
the horror
had to shave regular
get a haircut
the horror
i am content to take the slices of life that float by
still cocky enough to think that if i HAD to get a job
to feed some kids or pay for some womans love
i could voluntarily torture myself on a daily basis
like in the warehouse
i could force myself to bite my toungue and play well with others
i could endure the outrageous slings and arrows if i had to
but it goes against my true nature
and it makes me drink more and get fat
when i transform into MR WORKINGMAN
booze become a neccessary part of my daily routine
when im employed i become very friendly with happy hour barkeeps
to take the edge off
to make the horror go away
to quiet the rage beast within
the one that wants to mangle stomp and burn
when im employed my weight skyrockets and my health declines
its better for everyone that i dabble with work instead of plunging into it
a little dab will do me
now if i can find someone to do me
that would be neat
sending out universal vibe now
the recorded female voice of the universe kicks in
"Thankyou for your recent vibrations of love. Do to heavy vibe volume we are unable to process your request at this time, however your vibes are very important to the universe and have been logged, noted and filed away for future consideration. Have a groovy day."
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