waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

what an interesting year
a year of no money and an end to the delusion that i was helping the wretches
my mother theresa phase is over
the epic battle with illitereacy must be carried on by others
reading and writing belong in a different millenium
this is the age of food processed thoughts
intellectual shorthand
easily digestable ideas
all the great ideas have been thunk already anyway
the rest is just personal details
and no one is interested in that
they are too busily entwined in their own boring details
or in the details of the winners
or in whats happening to the pretty
or the rich
lottery winners we are
lucky to live in the MEGA MuTHuhhhhh
the dominant society
the trendsetter
the vilified
the celebrated
loved or hated
we got lucky being born in this country
but the luck to be born into a country of 928 million of six billion is nothing compared to the luck of the sperm that inseminated a very lucky egg in your mommys girl place
the egg could easily have been just another tampon soaker
and there were plenty of those just ask yer mom if ya dont believe me
and mr lucky sperm, one of billions and billions
so rejoice in your luckiness
your fortune
dont be mad that the rednecks are blowing stuff up outside
its a tradition
we celebrate our dominance of the world by blowing off some surplus ammo on ny eve
we are the champions my friend


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