music can save your life
it saved mine
i was out of bed at an ungodly hour
showered, cleaned my crevices
put on my last clean pants
undies still damp from the oven
kissed the naked goddess goodbye and did something unatural
headed to work
but not without a tune or two
to change the mood from black to grey
the songs about calling in sick
i play it twice
"i dropped my voice,
told the man i was ill,"
"i dont know whats come over me sir,
he said,
i head out the door
singing the chorus
about not answering the phone or the door
and buy the paper still humming
if the bus had been on time id be mr commuter
but the day was so crisp and lovely
the girl in bed so comely and funly
the job so dreary
its the last day of work anyway
i was taking next week off
why bother with the suffering and torture today
my tiome is better spent looking for the next job
ill go back to bed
check out the jobs online
maybe drop off a rezzie or two
make a call
pay a bill
get shit done
my time is way to valuable to be working for someone else
reclaiming precious hours of my life
today is a bonus day
the air, sweeter
the birds, merrier
the foxes, hotter
especially the naked one in my bed
who said she had a sense that
"you'd be back"
so shes a terminator script moment tense and subject shifting beauty
is it just for terminator movies, her psychic gift?
or is it all schwarzenegger movies that she channels?
ill have to monitor the situation carefully
to do list/day off/12-28-06
1. monitor gals speech patterns for schwarzenegger movie lines with subtle shifts
of tense and subject.
2. check craigs list for jobs
3. update resume
4. call to see where lost UE check is
5. register with temp service
6. learn a little web page design
7. write
8. kiss
9. hug
10. repeat #'s 8 and 9
thats a more productive to do list than what my corporate masters would have me do
i am the human embodiement of government regulation
specifically the no child left behind legislation
someones got to read and grade all these tests
thanks for the job georgie!
all day in a cubicle
staring at a monitor
evaluating hundreds of young lives a day
falling asleep
sweating and restless
hateing every minute of a day that oozes by
fecal slime-like
the toilet that overflows slowly
so you see the shit rise
can do nothing as it slowly approaches the rim
all you can do is think about what a mess it will be
all you can think of at work is what a mess your life is
that you are doing something they havent written the computer program for yet
cuz kids handwriting is terrible
and computers can read it or judge it yet
a monkey could do what i do
a clever monkey
but not terribly clever
an above average monkey
reading on grade level
could do it
my day is better spent pursuing my own destiny
than the presidents
taking a day off work as a political stand
y ethics prevent me from working
cuz tax dollars will buy bullets
and im not in the mood to shop for bullets today
all shopped out from the holidays i guess
i dont want to make a nother purchase
someone else will have to arm the unwilling iraqui police today
im getting back into bed with the naked moon goddess if its all the same to you
it saved mine
i was out of bed at an ungodly hour
showered, cleaned my crevices
put on my last clean pants
undies still damp from the oven
kissed the naked goddess goodbye and did something unatural
headed to work
but not without a tune or two
to change the mood from black to grey
the songs about calling in sick
i play it twice
"i dropped my voice,
told the man i was ill,"
"i dont know whats come over me sir,
he said,
i head out the door
singing the chorus
about not answering the phone or the door
and buy the paper still humming
if the bus had been on time id be mr commuter
but the day was so crisp and lovely
the girl in bed so comely and funly
the job so dreary
its the last day of work anyway
i was taking next week off
why bother with the suffering and torture today
my tiome is better spent looking for the next job
ill go back to bed
check out the jobs online
maybe drop off a rezzie or two
make a call
pay a bill
get shit done
my time is way to valuable to be working for someone else
reclaiming precious hours of my life
today is a bonus day
the air, sweeter
the birds, merrier
the foxes, hotter
especially the naked one in my bed
who said she had a sense that
"you'd be back"
so shes a terminator script moment tense and subject shifting beauty
is it just for terminator movies, her psychic gift?
or is it all schwarzenegger movies that she channels?
ill have to monitor the situation carefully
to do list/day off/12-28-06
1. monitor gals speech patterns for schwarzenegger movie lines with subtle shifts
of tense and subject.
2. check craigs list for jobs
3. update resume
4. call to see where lost UE check is
5. register with temp service
6. learn a little web page design
7. write
8. kiss
9. hug
10. repeat #'s 8 and 9
thats a more productive to do list than what my corporate masters would have me do
i am the human embodiement of government regulation
specifically the no child left behind legislation
someones got to read and grade all these tests
thanks for the job georgie!
all day in a cubicle
staring at a monitor
evaluating hundreds of young lives a day
falling asleep
sweating and restless
hateing every minute of a day that oozes by
fecal slime-like
the toilet that overflows slowly
so you see the shit rise
can do nothing as it slowly approaches the rim
all you can do is think about what a mess it will be
all you can think of at work is what a mess your life is
that you are doing something they havent written the computer program for yet
cuz kids handwriting is terrible
and computers can read it or judge it yet
a monkey could do what i do
a clever monkey
but not terribly clever
an above average monkey
reading on grade level
could do it
my day is better spent pursuing my own destiny
than the presidents
taking a day off work as a political stand
y ethics prevent me from working
cuz tax dollars will buy bullets
and im not in the mood to shop for bullets today
all shopped out from the holidays i guess
i dont want to make a nother purchase
someone else will have to arm the unwilling iraqui police today
im getting back into bed with the naked moon goddess if its all the same to you
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