percolating again
Right thoughts
zinging around my brain
or is the zinging from lack of sleep and too much computer exposure?
am i becoming an electrified being?
it will be fun to find out
but what, afterall,
is the brain but a mass of electric impulses and water?
and my brain is finally cooking with gas again
to wit
right living
right thoughts
all jostling with each other to escape out into the world to be ridiculed by the closed minded, hypnotized, bedazzled, pavlovian masses
their master rings a bell
they but a flat screen tv
ding a ling
pay your taxes, freedom isnt free
ding dong
they hate our freedom
its so easy to get distrated with all these bells ringin isnt it?
so easy to follow the first thought impulse
and the tv has thoughtfully broken their buy now messages up into digestable little bites, an hour and a half of little buy me now ideas between the twenty minutes or so of actual live game action in a game
the rest is just blather, instant replay and an ex jock telling you what you just saw
he dropped the ball
he ran fast
they are really dominating on the line of scrimmage today
thats one big man
and these big dominateing men are having a good year
and they live in your community
well some of them have an aprtment here during the season anyway
but they are sort of from your home town
and some of the more successful ones will sell you beers or cars or healthcare plans so you see them around
they are interested in the community
so they are sort of in your tribe
so you have to support your tribe
so you buy a football jersey from your home team ON SALE this weeekend only
your favorite players name emblazoned on your back
you love his guts, his intensity his hustle
in a non homoerotic way of course
could a homo drink this much beer?
put some more meat on the fire baby
and go team go
no it doesnt bother me a bit that in high school my girlfriend wore my sports jacket proudly around the town in exchange for her sweet loving
this is different
this is a JERSEY for one
not a lettermans jacket
its way different
besides hes not the cutest memeber of the team anyway, thats the backup quarterback, hes so dishy!
whats that?
its a military flyover
eww ess aayyy
eww ess ayy
aint irak over the other way?
why you buzzing the local sports stadium?
oh yeah its the playoffs baybee
the playoffs
i gotta watch them
but i may have to put my sports tribe behind me soon
give up my tribal sports identity
im going to miss my fellow cave men
ooga ooga
i cant watch it without being overwhelmed by the stink of money and everything nasty that comes along with obscene amouts of it
2.5 million to get your ad on during the superbowl
for 30 seconds
you buy your time on a per eyeball basis
the more people watching
the more money the networks make
should make for a close game one would think
the parity in the league will keep the game close
all the teams stink now because they the same amount to spend
in the interests of fairness
the market does the rest
accountants and lawyers figure out just how much an athlete is worth, plus thir markup, bonuses and incentives
the teams then send their accountants and lawyers and everyteam is the same
every team is flawed
there is only so much money, so much talent
and you have to trust that these fragile 300 pound humans can survive 30 weeks of collisions, steroids and the attention of the entire civilized world
its a job
a job that shortens your life span
fucks up your relationships
ome of the talking monkeys on the radio said 78 percent of all ex nfl players are broke or divorced four years out of the league
the machine needs alot of bodies for the cream to rise to the top
but it is a glorious specatacle
a glory of waste
and the bread and circuses isnt free anymore
and now the league has found a way to charge you for a small percentage of the games
throught the wonder of cable televisionand I CANT MISS A GAME
so i gotta buy the package
the package indeed
i gotta see the game, we could make the playooffs
we are good this year
i like to be good
im a winner too, by association
and fans of ANYTEAM will pay thru the nose to identify with their rich creamy winning athlete hero god lycra clad boyfriends
oohhh hes such a physical specimen
just havin his name on my back makes me far more manly than you
you cant afford the AUTHENTIc jersey 169.95?
get the replica 59.99
its not authentic tho
not the ACTUAL jersey worn by your man
of course his actual size XXXXL would look like a nightgown on you
but it is AUTHENTIC
they might even call you out of the audience to play
good thing you are dressed for it
Right thoughts
zinging around my brain
or is the zinging from lack of sleep and too much computer exposure?
am i becoming an electrified being?
it will be fun to find out
but what, afterall,
is the brain but a mass of electric impulses and water?
and my brain is finally cooking with gas again
to wit
right living
right thoughts
all jostling with each other to escape out into the world to be ridiculed by the closed minded, hypnotized, bedazzled, pavlovian masses
their master rings a bell
they but a flat screen tv
ding a ling
pay your taxes, freedom isnt free
ding dong
they hate our freedom
its so easy to get distrated with all these bells ringin isnt it?
so easy to follow the first thought impulse
and the tv has thoughtfully broken their buy now messages up into digestable little bites, an hour and a half of little buy me now ideas between the twenty minutes or so of actual live game action in a game
the rest is just blather, instant replay and an ex jock telling you what you just saw
he dropped the ball
he ran fast
they are really dominating on the line of scrimmage today
thats one big man
and these big dominateing men are having a good year
and they live in your community
well some of them have an aprtment here during the season anyway
but they are sort of from your home town
and some of the more successful ones will sell you beers or cars or healthcare plans so you see them around
they are interested in the community
so they are sort of in your tribe
so you have to support your tribe
so you buy a football jersey from your home team ON SALE this weeekend only
your favorite players name emblazoned on your back
you love his guts, his intensity his hustle
in a non homoerotic way of course
could a homo drink this much beer?
put some more meat on the fire baby
and go team go
no it doesnt bother me a bit that in high school my girlfriend wore my sports jacket proudly around the town in exchange for her sweet loving
this is different
this is a JERSEY for one
not a lettermans jacket
its way different
besides hes not the cutest memeber of the team anyway, thats the backup quarterback, hes so dishy!
whats that?
its a military flyover
eww ess aayyy
eww ess ayy
aint irak over the other way?
why you buzzing the local sports stadium?
oh yeah its the playoffs baybee
the playoffs
i gotta watch them
but i may have to put my sports tribe behind me soon
give up my tribal sports identity
im going to miss my fellow cave men
ooga ooga
i cant watch it without being overwhelmed by the stink of money and everything nasty that comes along with obscene amouts of it
2.5 million to get your ad on during the superbowl
for 30 seconds
you buy your time on a per eyeball basis
the more people watching
the more money the networks make
should make for a close game one would think
the parity in the league will keep the game close
all the teams stink now because they the same amount to spend
in the interests of fairness
the market does the rest
accountants and lawyers figure out just how much an athlete is worth, plus thir markup, bonuses and incentives
the teams then send their accountants and lawyers and everyteam is the same
every team is flawed
there is only so much money, so much talent
and you have to trust that these fragile 300 pound humans can survive 30 weeks of collisions, steroids and the attention of the entire civilized world
its a job
a job that shortens your life span
fucks up your relationships
ome of the talking monkeys on the radio said 78 percent of all ex nfl players are broke or divorced four years out of the league
the machine needs alot of bodies for the cream to rise to the top
but it is a glorious specatacle
a glory of waste
and the bread and circuses isnt free anymore
and now the league has found a way to charge you for a small percentage of the games
throught the wonder of cable televisionand I CANT MISS A GAME
so i gotta buy the package
the package indeed
i gotta see the game, we could make the playooffs
we are good this year
i like to be good
im a winner too, by association
and fans of ANYTEAM will pay thru the nose to identify with their rich creamy winning athlete hero god lycra clad boyfriends
oohhh hes such a physical specimen
just havin his name on my back makes me far more manly than you
you cant afford the AUTHENTIc jersey 169.95?
get the replica 59.99
its not authentic tho
not the ACTUAL jersey worn by your man
of course his actual size XXXXL would look like a nightgown on you
but it is AUTHENTIC
they might even call you out of the audience to play
good thing you are dressed for it
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