rugby world cup time,
so i leave work early to catch the game at the bar who sponsors our rugby team
a few others with flexible schedules make it and we are happily drinking and watching rugby in the afternoon
the beer tastes better
overtones of freedom in it
hints of self determining destiny
my job right now is an inelegant solution to living
it pays the bills
but, at best im treading water
i made 16 K more a year as a teacher if i humped a sport or a club or some seminars into my schedule
then there were the vacation days
but the intensity of the classroom is why they give you all the time off
each child sucking more life from your bones
flesh long gone
excitedly yelping to the other wolf pups
"hey theres some marrow left in his femur"
before they excitedly yip and worry
and try to crack that bone open too
in principle the job is ok
but in execution its a shitstorm hurricane of paperwork
too much responsibility for the future
too much accountability to the state
too many spoiled kids with fatal apathy
each kid an accomplished tree killer
papers, which, to have meaning, must at least be glanced at
scribbled on with a pen
thought about
recorded in your grade book
incorporated into your next weeks lesson plan as skill builders
thirty of these paper killing machines
five to six classes a day
a hundred and eighty pieces of proof
when do you get to them?
so you retreat from that and wind up with this
on the surface a perfect job
as defined by dishwasher pete
the kind of job you can walk away from at any time
the kind of job where you decide on your way to work that you are going to the track instead
the kind of job where you have some energy left over with at the end for your own designs
the trick is to have designs in mind
to author your own master plan for life happiness
my old plan was pretty simple
my old plan gave me time to chill and think
my old motto was
"to be left the fuck alone"
and i have been pretty good at it
as my thinking has evolved
being left the fuck alone was a great place to be for the last few years
choas is a memory
thinking is clearing up
recent events have made my thinking change
the new mantra is
to be left the fuck alone by most people
and to be naked alot with someone whose needs are easily met by a bumass neanderthal like myself
and to seriously do some writing
methinks i have to exchange the bottomless bottle for the empty page
maybe some sort of reward system
for every five hours of writing i get a night in a bar
that seems fair
so after the rugby game in the middle of the day i wound up headed for atlantic city and a poker tournament with a rugby referee who was happy to buy me into it
he knows my skills
three of us sat down with pieces of each other
ten percent
and our buddy won so we broke even
poker god that i am, it coulda been me
but the dude caught a second pair on the river
oh well
more poker fun here
playing online to see who the best blogger poker dude in the world is
so i leave work early to catch the game at the bar who sponsors our rugby team
a few others with flexible schedules make it and we are happily drinking and watching rugby in the afternoon
the beer tastes better
overtones of freedom in it
hints of self determining destiny
my job right now is an inelegant solution to living
it pays the bills
but, at best im treading water
i made 16 K more a year as a teacher if i humped a sport or a club or some seminars into my schedule
then there were the vacation days
but the intensity of the classroom is why they give you all the time off
each child sucking more life from your bones
flesh long gone
excitedly yelping to the other wolf pups
"hey theres some marrow left in his femur"
before they excitedly yip and worry
and try to crack that bone open too
in principle the job is ok
but in execution its a shitstorm hurricane of paperwork
too much responsibility for the future
too much accountability to the state
too many spoiled kids with fatal apathy
each kid an accomplished tree killer
papers, which, to have meaning, must at least be glanced at
scribbled on with a pen
thought about
recorded in your grade book
incorporated into your next weeks lesson plan as skill builders
thirty of these paper killing machines
five to six classes a day
a hundred and eighty pieces of proof
when do you get to them?
so you retreat from that and wind up with this
on the surface a perfect job
as defined by dishwasher pete
the kind of job you can walk away from at any time
the kind of job where you decide on your way to work that you are going to the track instead
the kind of job where you have some energy left over with at the end for your own designs
the trick is to have designs in mind
to author your own master plan for life happiness
my old plan was pretty simple
my old plan gave me time to chill and think
my old motto was
"to be left the fuck alone"
and i have been pretty good at it
as my thinking has evolved
being left the fuck alone was a great place to be for the last few years
choas is a memory
thinking is clearing up
recent events have made my thinking change
the new mantra is
to be left the fuck alone by most people
and to be naked alot with someone whose needs are easily met by a bumass neanderthal like myself
and to seriously do some writing
methinks i have to exchange the bottomless bottle for the empty page
maybe some sort of reward system
for every five hours of writing i get a night in a bar
that seems fair
so after the rugby game in the middle of the day i wound up headed for atlantic city and a poker tournament with a rugby referee who was happy to buy me into it
he knows my skills
three of us sat down with pieces of each other
ten percent
and our buddy won so we broke even
poker god that i am, it coulda been me
but the dude caught a second pair on the river
oh well
more poker fun here

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 2012304
playing online to see who the best blogger poker dude in the world is
they are all playing for second place
ahhhh... sweet blogging...
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