a crossroads emerges from my morning bed
i wake up with great ideas sometimes
usally they result in some feverish scribbling and pecking
peck peck peck
this little chicken is industrious this morning
has a nugget of an idea
a germ
something that COULD be worked into cash
something that with a little effort may be profitable
work for works sake
art as work
this is art
usually i will run the idea out of steam by around noon
then get distracted
have a few beers later and start to forget
wake up tommorrow without the same energy
without the same drive
and thats why i have a sea of notebooks
my mind is already sabotaging the latest idea duo
which is really just a hack kneed revisitation of previously thunk thoughts
its easy to think em
its harder to see them to the end
so instead of pecking away this steam
ill plan
i got a new planner at the hairdressers
so i got a new start
a new notebookish thing
a new direction
the ducks start to get in line
intimidated by my stern visage and jack boots
quack boots
boots designed for militarizing ducks
my duck army
this time will be different my minds says.....
the director in my mind quick cuts to the monolog from taxi driver
stanleys self inprovement regime
im not staring into the mirror as i say it
but im saying the same words
in the same spirit and what does hollywood want us to belive about tis
what about it holllywood?
to improve oneself is psychotic
thats the subtext
self improvement is self absorbtion
is narcissistic
it is becoming part of the problem
its so wonderful to be ME
the symphony
like at the oscars when someone is talking to long
except this is a blog and is in my head but still i get the audio...
i been writing too long
the blog gods want me to stop spouting nonsense
they cued the music
music starts to swell
a gleeful, jopous outburst....
me wonderful me
hot chocolate and muffins
me wonderful me
skiing out in aspen
i work so very very hard in life
pretending to be other people
so when its time to relax and play
i become positively leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeethal
me wonderful me
hot toffe and biscuts
me wonderful me
loud music and quick cuts
my life and words are so important
they need to be on a screen
im just as clever as those assholes
is what this song screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeams....
me wonderful me
hot women and bong hits
me wonderful me
be careful what your thong hits
i just needed to supercede
the world of haters out there
now im the greatest blogger of them all
the words,
they like to dance wtth me,
mon frereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
im wonderful
the oh so wonderful
me so wonderful
the oh so wonder ful
me the wonder ful meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(ends barbershop quartetsishly...)
this is the close of the second act
the curtain goes down
the crowd is jubilant
they've never seen such raw and horrible emotion in all their lives
they dont know whether to get drunk or kill themsleves
they feel a little dirty
poking through an obviously psychotic persons private notebooks
notebooks that you can buy on ebay,
after the trial
they all feel like they need a shower
a little mind cleanse
some images just wont dislodge from their minds
and thats why they pay the big bucks
to be mentally sodomized by a master