waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Saturday, January 26, 2008

she looks worn
too many long days
commuting in the dark and bitter cold across town
perhaps a kitten has died?
she tells me shes hanging in there when i ask
i show solidarity and over tip again
i set up shop
laptop aready to record timeless ponderings for the world to enjoy
sentences to savor
deranged ramblings to delightin
theres a line now and shes at top speed
shes asked again how shes doing and responds
very well thankyou
obviously due to my lurking
a big bag of sexy, i am
my enormous head with echoes of pillow evident
my hulking physique
she tells the next person in line that shes feeling absoulutely fabulous
i beam inside
knowing that its me
wishing i was closer to her demographic
a retarded old man flirting with someone twenty years younger
just for something to do
to get me out of the house
an emo sits next to me
bumping my table
mumbling scuse me, three beats too late to be polite
old spice wafts my way and i sneeze violently
chemically sensitivity
part of the package deal
factory installed
responsive to the environment
stinky gets up to get a bagel and im again cropdusted by the pirate deoderant
arrgh, matey
this could get ugly if i decide to share

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

too nice a day to go to work
sun gloriously splashing red orange fire upon fast moving and many layered clouds
global warming can be quite beautiful
i get off the bus for some of that coffee shoppe hottie coffee
she stands on the steps with me a watches mother natures show for a few
it seems criminal for me to go to work on such a day
she declines to quit her job with me in solidarity and live in the woods behind the seven eleven
oh well
but she didnt rule it out of the realm of the possible
so i have that going for me
if i leave the coffee shop now ill only be about thirty minutes late to work
i could go to atlantic city for the day
i think god wants me to
he just sent a beam of light through the clouds right into my eye
just to say hi
just to tell me that this thoughtstream is correct
that this is right thinking
that i am far too clever an evolved ape to sell furnace parts on such a lovely day
i need a plan to take advantage of the day off tho
get my haircut
trim the beard
work on the resume'
then when i do get fired i at least look employable to the next sucker

I cant sleep because my heads on fire

420 am

Nice time to start slinging some prose

There aint no party like a philly word mafia party

Cuz a philly word mafia don’t stop

The mafia was out last night with signs and paid homeless picketers

Their question was

Will I get in trouble or arrested?

I told them that if they saw me running they should do the same

My sign said id rather be illitereate than read eggers

Who has the ability to write and pat himself on the back at the same time

Im all in favor of having a healthy ego

But if its going to be out there

At least provide some entertainment with the confusion you so

I found myself giving interviews last night

Nice lady from the Philadelphia tribune

I got her card somewhere

She asked my why

Why phillywordmafia.blogspot.com?

I said did you read his shit

She said she did

I said, then you know

Then shes one of us

Numbers growing daily

The philly word mafia is coming soon to a literary even near you

Last nights author cloaks himself in the battle for illiteracy

Donates proceeds from his pirate store to the cause

Must be hiding something

Or a saint

Do you know any saints?

I know one she broke my heart

But she was one

But this aint about her

It’s a funny feeling, holding a sign

Walking at people, fielding questions, seeing them veer to avoid your path and protect the old ons they are walking with from the wild eyed maniac with the sign

I was working on a chant

2-4-6-8 , its eggers prose we really hate

But we were running late and didn’t co-ordiante well

A little more coordination and we had ourselves a meadia spectacle

Just offering a little counter programming to the sheep

The sheep weren’t receptive


We need to make our message more sheep friendly to win converts

I was very pleased with the efforts

One of the homeless temporary word mafiosos asked if he could make a couple more bucks if he held two signs

that’s initiative

His signs said dave eggers killed my puppy and edders prose is a yolk

Dave eggers caused global warming did not get any play as it was all too exciting to be giving interviews


The damn paparazzi were thick

Hope the oe dude wasn’t from the city paper

One of the word

Saturday, January 05, 2008

my brown mentor is dead
the stinking lovefilled lick-machine is no more
the olde fellow was having trouble with stairs
he had a good run
he lived the life in paradise the last few years on on phebes magical organic acres
he was themayor of pikeville
that dog taught me grace
so many rich lessons
and when you were toking on some doobie hed come over and put his face in your lap for a taste
which is why marley was such a good name for him
much cooler than that faggy yellow lab of the same name who is a litereary icon now
so hoist a pint of some brown liquor in his memory
what is it boy?
see you in heaven dude
chill with some valkyries till i get there
then we take over

Thursday, January 03, 2008

bomb ass coffee shoppe cutie
like an enexploded bomb from a long gone conflict
she lurks
just under the surface soils of normal reality
massive amounts of hottie energy
waiting to be triggered by your footstep
sometimes a smile will let you see what you are in for
get her to smile and you can feel her power
respect that power
stop flirting with her now
doom awaits
whose, you are not sure
avoiding doom is a good resolution
ok thats one