waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

trivia at the rock
the local bar
and its too hard for the locals
so the bartender
a schoolteacher
dumbs it down
and theres questions like
"name the hole in your body that poo comes out?"
and everyone is happier
its a dangerous bar to have an opinion in
people ask loaded questions
depending on who is there
trying to get you to make a statement that amounts to fighting words
in someones worldview
so itsa lotta fun
you can call someone an asshole
thats fine
we are all assholes down here
but never question the decisions
never rise to the bait
speak in generalities
when someone seeks specesifities at the bar is prolly cuz
the dude one bar stool over keeps his dogs in a cage all day
and you just said dogs should run and frolic in the sun
which is why you dont have a dog
if you love dogs so much........
gotta love the logical traps of the hard of thinking
gotta love trivia questions like what planetary body is in the air during night time?
during day time
during an eclipse
but i brought ringers
cuz i likes to win
so im now the king of trivia
scourge of jersey girls
master o' evil arcane knowledge

Saturday, September 26, 2009

really digging this old poem
and reading up on it gets the juices flowing
someone found these words in a closet somewhere
written in a vulgar hybrid toungue by "minor clerics"
rogue priests
early satire or profane truth?
all about luck, pain
universal timeless shit and then the composer carl orff makes it legendary/operatic
and hes an iteresting dude
teaching truths through the rhtymic intonation
an early precursor to Goebbels perhaps
early mind control techniques
the play is about luck, love drinking
all the hits
its charles bukowski does the middle ages
a sighting of saint charles in medieval times
and thats the name of my latest work
charles bukowski thru history
there will always be the drunken workman
my job is to find him in each epoch
then write the script for the scene by scene reimagining of the greatest movie of all time BARFLY
it opens in a bar
so we open in a bar, not in LA, but in the 1200's europe
at the bar is the drunken peasantMiddle ages bukoski relating to the dude who writes bibles all day
the two are macking on the same wench and the cleric winds up stealing medeval bukowskis style sppech patterns even as M.E. buke gets the gal
his illiteracy is of no import as the cleric has free time and pens and recognizes transcendental truths as they are spoken and he writes the true words of the drunken prophet
drunk truths being the most holy as they are spoken from the "spirits" world and fuck if there isnt something to calling them "spirits"
some people can handle spirits and the drunken muse
others cannot and become confused when inebriated, become burdens on society, on family, on the world

so as i was writing the screenplay for the worlds most intteresting movie i accidentally discovered a religion just sitting there
And the second reading comes from another incarnation of bukowski
Catullus, ancient roman scribe and hedonist who sometimes "falls upon young mans buttocks"
in one translation and has all manner of bawdy fun at the beginning of the decline of the roman world...bukowski in this incarnation is a less developed soul, as he is rich...he is making his way up the ladder of drunken divinity..
towards nothingness, zenike las vegas tunnel dwelling bum dom

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

great band
i used to follow them around when i was young and beautiful
played a very erotic game of baskets with one of em
she kept backin it up
ten times better than any lapdance

made out with the other
got slapped
dint get tatoos when plastered

drove their band van back from pittsburg
left about 230
got to philly at dawn
90 mph down the turnpike
thru the mountains
i was channeling dude who drove the acid test bus
knew nothing would happen

i am familiar with the death of beauty
i saw it die in this incarnation

they dis banded
i was sad
they were my sleepy time music for years
they were my pretend girlfriends

it sucks to get used to beauty dying
but that is its nature
thats why it catches in our heart
and messes with ones mind

as a matter of personal choice i embraced the numb parts of myself
to innoculate myself from the love virus

im not hollow yet

i still sink to the bottom of the pool

but not as fast

Friday, September 18, 2009

its loud season at the local bar
the assholes are back in capistrano
busting balls all day long on a sunday
sitting in the bar for 8 plus hours
assholometer turned to eleven
i can join them, avoid them or bloody my knuckles on their faces
im done with the local sports team anyway
poker on sunday sounds like a winner
why beat up on some douche who is helping my bar boss stay in business
ill be noble and moslty stay away from the bar
unless i find a load somewhere
and decide to minister to my people
help them see the light
the error in their ways

living the dream
i dont really have a boss
i have 3 semi-bosses
i have loads of free time
using that free time as i see fit
usually doing absitively nothing
which really works for me because

as dennis waitley says

"procastianation is the fear of success.
people procastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will happen
if they move ahead now.
Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it,
it is much easier to procastinate and live on the
"someday i'll" philosophy."

as the beatles say "lord your gonna carry that weight", hell no

my blog is now getting "quoty"

living the dream
is living in the future
living the life of sloth and emptiness
of no dreams on the horizon
how would life be different if i won a ton of cash playing cards some day
id still be dune nada
dune nada
where do aspirations come from
aspiration is natural
breathe in
breathe out
and even that was problematic for years
id keep myself awake half the night
hoping i didnt forget how to breathe
not trusting that it was autonomic
so ive been screwy for years
im skepical of what difference having health insurance would make
i never go to the doctor anyway
so why would it matter if i am in a plan or not?
if bad shit happens i can wait in the emergency room with the undocumented aliens
they cannot deny me care
the shit that should be corrected is all dietaty and lifestyle choices
im slowly making progress there
im avoiding transfat and meat
i no longer eat like a roman emporer at the buffet
my tuxedo pants arent as tight as they were in the spring
i went to rugby and ran
i bike places

living the dream
being in charge
instead of having the man require 40 hours of my life
half my waking hours
ill give half my waking hours to a job thats fun
to a job that feels right
ive had too many of the other kind
so i learn to be a vicious poker player in my free time
im almost there
and i can see myself working to build up a bankroll with which to gamble
thats working towards a goal
working for a reason
i can find enough money laying around with my three semi jobs to keep the wolves away
and its fun to go to work when you dont have to do it all the time
i could find another part time job if i need to
i survived the lean no cash summer
im harvesting cash now for the no cash winter to come
and harvesting again in the spring and early summer

living the dream
im my boss

Saturday, September 12, 2009

getting too old to keep repeating
time to turn some blossoms into fruit
so focus is the watch word on the dawn of my 46th year
3 hours a day for harry
reading, writing, organizing my shit or working out
that seems like a good present to myself
20 years of scribbled journals
and im adding to the pile each day
feverishly arising from lucid dreams
writing down the genius ideas
then throwing them in the pile
time to digitize the pile
starting in 5,4,3,2,1....
we must repeat