waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

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since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

machine man
i am what i eat
raw materials consumed and voided
the banana reminds me of the shit i just shat
same basic shape
this machine will not run on distilled spirits until management is satisfied with the waistline/health
ive heard rumors of people who have controlled thier blood pressure thru diet
that sounds like a fun thing for machine man to tackle next

i am a poker machine
programed to play perfect poker and extract maximum value from those foolish enough to sit with me at the card table
sometimes random sequences of cards seem to foul up my computer, but thats just gods way of keeping things fair for the lessr evolved species of machinery

i am a love machine
a hugging kissing thing
every now and again the activation codes are entered into my nervous system and friskiness ensues
but its a complex sequence
hotties do not have the patience for it anymore
the skill to coax the cobra from the basket
swaying to the tune they play on their pipe
i am hypnotized, if the hottie has any musical skills
snake putty in her hands
then the putty does what putty does when exposed to air
and nature takes its course

i am a word machine
an apologetic word machine
hiding from the results of my carefully crafted sentences by hiding these same sentences in scribbled notebooks
apologizing to all about my lack of output and follow through because writing seems alot like work in many ways
im self-programmed to avoid work
work is for suckers, afterall.....

who knows?
the boozelessness affects my sleep considerably
i may have to peck away until sleep takes me
this tossing and turning is for the birds
my body knows that im a few quarts low these days
reprogramming an unquenchable thirst

Friday, March 12, 2010

spectacle creation
i like to stir shit up and see what happens
to see how people react to new information
to apply pressure from an new angle
fuck with the squares

i was very generously given center satge by members of my inner circle
i took my star turn
we fucked shit up
i like to fuck shit up
we're a middle aged flash mob
descending on your sleepy bar
bringing the circus to town
ill be the ticket salesman next time
someone else can run it next time
someone else can soak up the applause and be the diva
diva bukowski is a funny idea
is it funny enough that someone else will dress up as the diva charles bukowski?
or is gaykowski a better idea
i still like DYKEowski
but the ornery old people hating fuck is tiresome, preachy and pendantic at times
when he isnt being funny as shit
but whatever our little flashmob gets behind
whatever the polling numbers indicate
whatever spectacle is next
we have one under our belts
no way i pull shit like zombie off without alot of help
and i thank the universe for them
and fuck everyone else

Sunday, March 07, 2010

watching scarecrows on a red carpet
wearing outfits that will buy houses in most countries
frantically they hold on to their youth
their relavance
their cooling hotness
i know now where the next ground zero should be
neck tendons and shoulder bones stretch what skin they have when they move or talk
sexy it is not
but what do i know?

Saturday, March 06, 2010

crazy energy surging thru me these days
i burn it all up and havent slept better
except when i sit bolt upright in bed at 2 0r 4 and have to write shit down

i may be onto something
the manic phase is lasting alot longer than it has in the past
usually these energy spurts only last a few hours
when i have everything sorted
visions of a master plan
then they peter out a day or three later

i know theres a crusher around the corner, but hell
they are fun too
a different kind of fun
definitely an aquired taste

i am starting to feel connected again after years of disconnected apathetic blah
a plan is coming together
its nice to have a blueprint again
all i gotta do now is get it out there and make it do whatever its gonna do

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

this is my job and shit
im a professional
dont try tis at home
to all my friends
all my friends

is how i think i will open up the poetry reading in honor of bukowskis death day
we will sing happy death day to you
we will award cash prize(s)
we will, we will rock you

but again, i am a professional
dont try this at home
dont try to drink all this booze and entertain the masses
it aint easy
its my job
its what i do
its how we roll
zombie bukowski in the house

go to angels poetry thing