You are what you say
You are the promises you make to your lover
You are the sum of your decisions
Words have weight
Thoughts are things
Real things
Tangible things
Words are truth
Especially those that are
Spoken to a lover
Naked truth
The trust that comes with the audacity of nudity
The very idea that you will be naked with a stranger
The suspension of disbelief
The idea that she is different
You get her and she you
Those words have added weight
Love whispers are the highest form of communication
until the betrayal
You are honest
You have integrity
Or you are full of shit.
Or perhaps
A retard
Saying the words that please
Instead of the ones that are true
A full of shit person will have a hell of a time with an honest one
Full of shit people are made to lie to each other
To build a world of lies and half truths together
To forgive each other ad infinitum
Ad nauseum
To BELIEVE their lovers lies
But how real is that
When each knows the other is full shit
My advice to you
Young believer in love
Is take heinr word for it
Trust her
Be the grasshopper, not the ant
don’t be practical
That aint fun
And if you find yourself in love with a retard
As I have
Understand some things about your beloved retard
A retard doesn’t know she is wrong
doesn’t understand integrity
Doesn’t know the power of words
Speaks so many, that words have less meaning, less power
Blah blah blah
you cant ask a person to think about their feelings
think your way to the best suited lover for you
not when an olde love is still lingering in the wings
temporarily beaten by your ploving styles
but whimpering in the background
crying on the steps
furtive visits to him at the coffee shoppe around the corner
she comes back in drawn
empty, guilty
thats when you should have exploded old romeo
when he was worming his way back into her epidermis
ringworm style loving
and she, with no resistance, no antibiotic
but no
you tried to be cool
which makes you the love retard
he makes her cry in the bathroom
a phonecall about a bloody discharge from his wang
at last proof that he is dying
as you lay naked in her bed
she says she has news that will make you happy
his impending death
you, the alleged victor in the love game
you, the love genius who asks her to just decide already cuz you can read the writing on the wall
shes getting torn up inside you can see it
and logic is overruled by love
logically you are the right selection
but he has won her heart and her pity and he needs her more
trusting her hard decision
once made
will be stuck to
will be honored
Maybe im the love retard
Loving a woman
Trusting a woman
Taking her at her word
Assuming that she has the same respect for words as you do
Assume away
Its fun until the crash
And suddenly
I want to play rugby again
To share
To give back
To such a giving world
Trust at your own risk
She may change her mind
Or maybe has previous promises in place
Previous promise of forever and commitment
The reasons might make sense to her retard mind
She may actually believe the shit she speaks
Because shes heard so much of it
She might be accustomed to lies and live lies as a result
Your world of truth is no match for her world of possibility
Where anything can be true
as long as someone says it earnestly
Loving a retard is a perilous journey
But how can you know?
How can you tell?
How can you both question and participate in love
Skepticism has no place
So trust
Until the chromosome is obviously missing
Just know the signs
Look for the logical flaws
If she says the sky is tangerine
Shes either a beatles fan
or a retard
Retards need love
just not yours
Retards need the love of a caretaker
Diaper changer
Puke cleaner
Avdinhonest Money stealing alibi maker needs a person with an income who wil belive the yarns he spins
hes alot more exciting than me
his death more imminent
he is edgier
closer to the edge
his suicide by bottle alot faster and more efficient than my own
My retard is an Apologist for alcoholism
The angel of alcohol
saint B of the Bottle
its a disease
Hes sick
He cant help it
He loves two things
His angel of mercy
And his bottle of rum
A perfect circle
Redemption every morning
Oblivion every night
Wallowing in the piteousness of his life
Shes the only one who understands
Shes keeping him alive
hed be dead if it wasn’t for her
My retard is a hero
Noble she is
shes saving a life
Her love kept him alive
Her kisses healed his liver
Have a nice life with your junkie boyfriend
We can speak next at his funeral
Ill rent some mummers
So he can have a new Orleans style send off
With a Philadelphia twist
Will you join me for a keg party on his grave?Rsvp now
Only 175 beers in a quarter barrel
that’s a nice 20 person party
The next 18 to rsvp are in
to rsvp post a comment on this blog
Im thinking Lowenbrau
If they still make it
Or even better yet
A selection from the Victory brewing company
The rest will have to watch the pod cast
Date, one week after the last shovel full is thrown on
We COULD tailgate the funeral home
Get some cases
I could move on
Forget how perfect she seemed for me
Forget the retards words of love
And the retard eyes
eyes meant for losing oneself in
Forget the yogic climb
The directors chair
Forget how busses became amusement parks of love
i hope i am mature enough to move on
to stay away from her halloween party
a celebration of death
the death of our love
i will come dressed as a heart
that has been stitched together again
made whole
frankensteins heart
ill invite the young cuban, she likes adventure
and the junkie broad from around the corner
ill promise her oxycontin she comes upstairs for a few minutes with me at the party
and we'll all make out on her bed
but maybe im a bigger person than that
maybe im a fst healer
maybe this is the last time i write about this pathetically broken heart
maybe i finally get it this time
maybe the sky is tangerine
maybe this retard finally get the abcs of love
easy as one two three
thats you and me
a bonnie conclusion
a bonecrushing cameo
hello all
just stopped by in my costume to break some pussies leg
then im off
wheres the challenge in that?
i need a challenge
i wish i was the angry guy who copuld do vioence to a pathetic addict
i wish i could help him with his journey off of this mortal coil
but i'm not wired that way
im wired for the fantastic in life
im wired for impossible battles
which is why this hurts so much
i thought i overcame the ringworm
but he was tenacious
and laid his little eggs under her skin
tey started hatching and i was doomed
doomed doomed
so im back on the market ladies
step right up
buy a ticket on the doomed love express
and ill keep you out of my blog as long as you try not to hurt my feelings
thats a good deal