poker is paying my rent this month
people like to give me their money it seems
my hobby starting to pay off
bridging the gap in my finances
i am living by off my wits until the job fairy comes by and takes away my freedom
land of the free, but you need a job to be free
wheres the freeedom at work?
if you express yourself at the wrong time youre looking for a new job
and always some asshole telling you what to do
i turned 25 bucks into 400 and the money goes right into my checking account with the click of a few keys and viola', my rent is paid
because i can play a game a little better than some drunk guys on a friday night
now someday some hacker will get me i guess
when he hacks into the database of the internet money changers
thats the catch
thats when i start over
but the man who owns my building will be happy to get my rent
and its important to please THE MAN in your life
i just hope i can soon find an outlet for my energy
its a vague, misdirected energy right now
if i find the correct lens i can fool the world into thinking that im a happnin dude whose got it all figured out
a man with a plan
all i gotta do is figure the plan out
and the dream has not been fully dreamt yet
i have half of a dream
i have dreamt the success part, but the means are blurry
i can see the ends
i know i must justify the means of my dream
when they see the ends, and boy what a lustrous, shiny, happy ending it is
those means will be justified
as soon as i dream the other half of my dream, that is
i had half a dream
half a dream that the world was no longer being poisoned by assholes
that people got along
that the sons and daughters of hippies and capitalists got together and did away with the fantasy called money
that barter was the name of the game
people dealing with other people to get things that they needed to survive
ill give you a chicken if you paint my fence
ill fill your molar if you tutor my kid
you cant save up favors, and be a favorillionaire
not enuf hours in the day
no trust favor babies
or favornancial dynasties
just people doing things for other people to get what they wanted
sure, in this utopia we'd need protection from the terrorists
thats why every village has a rugby team
id be the village idiot
and happily entertain the children and dogs
who are the only ones who truly "get" me
in all my simplicity
i am a simple country fool
a bumpking
unused to the ways of you city slickers
and hucksters and flim-flam artists
in france all you need to do to get a dog on your side is say
bon sheyn bon bon bon sheyn
their tails wag a mile a minute
bon bon bon
in germany you might want to say schone hunde
in spain bueno gato
oh wait thats a cat
and im lost again
in the backalleys of my mind
trying to make a point somewhere
but forgetting and going with the flow as i peck away
somewhat less a loser today than yesterday
somewhat pleased with the tiny improvements in my mental condition
still pissed about the whole concept of money
maybe you can explain it to me like im a three year old
they dont care about money
so why should i?
dogs dont care about dollars
so holla at me dog
why am i interested in this phony made up random unjust fecal and cocaine tainted concept that some greedy prick came up with thousands of years ago?
oh, because it is the mass delusion that we all cling to
the money god
and i blaspheme
im going to penny hell
im taking the lords name in vain
and now im going to bed
to dream the otehr half of that dream
i hope