waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat
unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from
About Me
- Name: bakeowski
since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

blog closed for mental repairs
i must become a successful capitalist
make something of myself
begin my economic legacy, stop wasting time with words, end the relaxed attitude towards the future...
fuck that
that sounds like work
ill trip across some incredible opportunity or die a pauper
there is nobility in being poor
ive woken up in million dollar houses before
it didnt take
ive acted civilized when called upon to
i was THE MAN in quite a few of the schools and restaurants i worked in
look what it got me
i prefer being the loaded cannon in the room
i prefer being unpredictable
to talk my way out of sticky situations
to make my words work for me
save my ass boys
id hate to have to fight my way out of this
id hate to have to fight because sometimes i dont stop swinging
sometimes i just want to hurt someone bad
thats what rugby was good for
andi havent played for a while
and the thing about wanting to fuck someone up in rugby is that your ass gets fucked up too
unless you are a total prick
an amoral stomper of people
and those tend to get their asses handed to them eventually
in rugby you pay the price for knocking the shit out of someone
its very instructive
its not a metaphorical payment either
its physical
its i cant move my head today pain for a few days
the elbows are the only way to really dish it out and get away scot free
but even then you miss a little and its you not flexing the elbow for a week or two
i miss running full speed towards some mayhem
getting the body angle right
to win the ball
to win this little battle
in the eighty minute war of men
that is a rugby game
you want to get into some shit
its an all you can eat shit buffet
and in the real world
my shit seeking hunger
causes nothing but problems
and i laugh
and they think im crazy
and maybe i am
but i wasnt crazy until i learned to read
i hope you find a way to get the shit out of your system
the world is toxic
process the toxins somehow
find a way to rage
and maybe thats the mans plan
get the rage out of young aggressive males systems in some sort of rule following atmosphere
the rules the ref
they are the symbols of our civilization
rugby a formalized dance of chaotic violence
so much better for society than armed revolution
so i wasted my youthful primal and more plentiful rage in a stupid fucking game
but i learn from my mistakes
and i have plenty of rage left
and instead of directing it at the idiots i work with
i must zen that out and direct it towards a more useful target
i dont know
still working it out
but when i figure it out
w e will b e dan geor ousse"
Friday, November 16, 2007

it relaxes me to look at this
i zone out
i zen out
all kermitted up
its not easy being green
the back of my head removed recently
as advertised
kermit gets some bacon every now and then
i smeel the bacon cooking in the kitchen
i've had a two bacon related "do-overs" in the last year
both starting from flawed assumptions
both a big bag of learning
delicious bacon recipes sure to result in insanity
volume II
Heres a delightful little bacon recipe sure to "cure" your hunger for female companionship.
the bacon in question of course being my haunches
the hanches of an incredibly stubborn half bree pig mule hybrid
delicious if slow keeped over cherry willwo embers for fiften hours
its an all day thing
the whole village gets behind the festival
theres where the donkeypig likes
he used to be a war pig
used to terrorize the local constabulary
until that fatal day
when they showed up at the wrestling practice
small towns csi unit had cracked the case of the egg tossing assholes
when they asked me if i was baker
i said yeah
and then i told them my first name and they thought they had the wrong one
my younger brother got to know the cops in that town really well
cops like to talk to him
hes a cop magnet
but they called it in and indeed my egg throwing days were behind me
as was throwing rocks through windows
exploding mailboxes
the war pigs were disbanded
now a quaker i warred no more
except on the rugby field
and emotionally
i have a lot of emotional energy to vent
thats what these words are
anger translated into ones and zeros
im teaching the computers to hate
i got it out of my system with rugby for 22 years or so
now my joints are rebellious
my feets hurt
will it be the shoulder again?
the back,
which knee?
got to get this shit out of my system
so i can think more clearly about reality
and how to shape it
so my new imaginary girl is who exactly
i may already be flirting with her
she might be at the next word mafia event
exciting times these
i caught a very sexy dude looking at me in the bathroom today
in the bathroom of the turf club
in the mirror
man i am one fine hunk of man meat when i am taking a day off work to drink and gamble just because i can
im the man
its all about boss management
they will only ask you to do more than you did yesterday
so keep it in low gear
apologize, hem, haw make up wild excuses
if that doesnt work try irrational angry outbursts
when they ask you to calm down you know your workday will be lighter
its just i got alot of shit on my mind is all
is what you say a few hours after the outburst
i was trying to do so many things and you just set me off with that tone in your voice
ill always react negatively to that tone
when im normal ill give you shit right back
yeah just busting balls
but on days like this shit might get loud
just so you know
so you can be a better boss
sow confusion in the bosses mind
be less than helpful on the inside
but apear helpful in your words and actions
wait for your moment
when the boss is stressed
and strike out
say hows that feel podner?
we all have bad days
i just have more of them than anybody
they will only ask you to do more than you did yesterday
so keep it in low gear
apologize, hem, haw make up wild excuses
if that doesnt work try irrational angry outbursts
when they ask you to calm down you know your workday will be lighter
its just i got alot of shit on my mind is all
is what you say a few hours after the outburst
i was trying to do so many things and you just set me off with that tone in your voice
ill always react negatively to that tone
when im normal ill give you shit right back
yeah just busting balls
but on days like this shit might get loud
just so you know
so you can be a better boss
sow confusion in the bosses mind
be less than helpful on the inside
but apear helpful in your words and actions
wait for your moment
when the boss is stressed
and strike out
say hows that feel podner?
we all have bad days
i just have more of them than anybody
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
for my next million
im producing a miniseries
its about a couple of dykes with a fabulous spot
and their new houseboy
a reality show
a cooking show
a show about writing the perfct cookbook/novel hybrid/tv show magazine/website/weblob/multimedia exploitation of the peoples roles
except its all a fake
or is it?
did i forget to add multi level marketing company?
we start off with some seed money
find a comfy amount
maybe even monthly small donations for a bit
keep track of all show related expenses
whats this 200 dollar writeoff for brain food harry?
says one of the roomies
its for that purple kush half we all enjoyed last week
i motion that this line item be aproved
second thankyou mister barker
all we need is a studio type aparment with high ceilings for the state of the art tracking shots that make this series distinctive
all security camera angle sometimes
extreme closeups others
use the nfl cameras on strings concept but make it go three dimensionally and zoom
then we will need some recipes
recipe books are the gimmick
seasonal recipies for healthy broke people
heres the tofu
heres some fresh veggies
heres the homemade bread
more sprouts anyone?
is that the title?
More Sprouts Anyone?
the killanelf-yall
word jawn
killadelphia word mafia
killy word maaf
want to join the philly word mafia
take this simple writing test
print out this test page
and any other five pages at random
fill all available areas with verbal gems
edit masterful sentences from these guts of the story
best edited pages will be printed in the first annual pimp harrys blog contest magazine world takeover
to prove your philly writesrs mafia credentials please prove you are philly by answering these questions
the three best things to do on a monday in philadelphia are...
the best blacklandlord show i ever saw was the one...
rank in order of absurdity these groups
from most absurd to so absurd they think they are cool and so do we, sort of....
mummers, lawyers, klansmen, cops, politicians,bosses, serial child molesters
use as many of the above group memberships as you can into the personality of the next great sitcom star
season six
altarboys gone wild
entry fee for the contest should be hand delivered to any philly word mafia associate or friend of ours at any word mafia event, on random streets or at happy hour at the khyber pass pub where we may be blogging out assholery as early as this thursday
then mondays and thursdays
then we will see
the entry fee consists of some sort of support for our efforts
a photocopy manuscript of six pages, gloriously re-rendered
and your email so we can tell you what youve won
once we look into copywrite issues we will launch the mafia mothership and look out boring prose merchants
the skies are alive with cracklin fresh, deliciously tender word phrasings
good thoughtstream
now blink and make it happen
get people excited
im producing a miniseries
its about a couple of dykes with a fabulous spot
and their new houseboy
a reality show
a cooking show
a show about writing the perfct cookbook/novel hybrid/tv show magazine/website/weblob/multimedia exploitation of the peoples roles
except its all a fake
or is it?
did i forget to add multi level marketing company?
we start off with some seed money
find a comfy amount
maybe even monthly small donations for a bit
keep track of all show related expenses
whats this 200 dollar writeoff for brain food harry?
says one of the roomies
its for that purple kush half we all enjoyed last week
i motion that this line item be aproved
second thankyou mister barker
all we need is a studio type aparment with high ceilings for the state of the art tracking shots that make this series distinctive
all security camera angle sometimes
extreme closeups others
use the nfl cameras on strings concept but make it go three dimensionally and zoom
then we will need some recipes
recipe books are the gimmick
seasonal recipies for healthy broke people
heres the tofu
heres some fresh veggies
heres the homemade bread
more sprouts anyone?
is that the title?
More Sprouts Anyone?
the killanelf-yall
word jawn
killadelphia word mafia
killy word maaf
want to join the philly word mafia
take this simple writing test
print out this test page
and any other five pages at random
fill all available areas with verbal gems
edit masterful sentences from these guts of the story
best edited pages will be printed in the first annual pimp harrys blog contest magazine world takeover
to prove your philly writesrs mafia credentials please prove you are philly by answering these questions
the three best things to do on a monday in philadelphia are...
the best blacklandlord show i ever saw was the one...
rank in order of absurdity these groups
from most absurd to so absurd they think they are cool and so do we, sort of....
mummers, lawyers, klansmen, cops, politicians,bosses, serial child molesters
use as many of the above group memberships as you can into the personality of the next great sitcom star
season six
altarboys gone wild
entry fee for the contest should be hand delivered to any philly word mafia associate or friend of ours at any word mafia event, on random streets or at happy hour at the khyber pass pub where we may be blogging out assholery as early as this thursday
then mondays and thursdays
then we will see
the entry fee consists of some sort of support for our efforts
a photocopy manuscript of six pages, gloriously re-rendered
and your email so we can tell you what youve won
once we look into copywrite issues we will launch the mafia mothership and look out boring prose merchants
the skies are alive with cracklin fresh, deliciously tender word phrasings
good thoughtstream
now blink and make it happen
get people excited
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
ive been trying to keep a certain meanness out of my nature
but the world seems to want me this way
why else would i have to endure assholes for mone
the ultimate degradation
they have just enough money for me to take their shit
but not enough money for me to keep my opinions about their actions to myself
scene one
im making a delivery
im lost, sort of
i call for the street name, i been there before, but spacing it,
manager gets info
i call again because manager said there might be two things to pick up instead of one
what was the other purchase order number?
manager whines to me on the phone about how busy he is,
too busy to help me,
why don't i ask anyone else to help me when i need help?
which i thought was less than helpful, very whiny and some bitch ass shit
so as soon as i returned to the warehouse i related this opinion to the other warehouse guy who actually works his ass off and is untouchable there exactly the conversation and my pinion of the dude complete with voices
his voice, as interpreted by me a lispy faggotic perfection, the funny thing is that that very manager walks up to us in the middle of the story and i continue as if he is not there
he hears me call him a bitch ass motherfucker and DOES NOTHING
he fights back with some shit about how i could have instructed whoever answered the phone to do what i was asking, but he was doing three different things
it was going to get really ugly
really ugly tempers were flaring there
but another dude walked into the convo
he needed help
to help him solve the problem
i quoted the manager
when said manager was trying to beat me
to beat me in a game of verbal dexterity
to be a boss to me
to be the boss
he threw some pure shit at me
and i threw the same pure shit at the new dude
started cracking up
the other warehouse dude is practically shitting himself throughout this
the manager had to join in the laughter too
or look like a bigger pusssy
he was laughing with us as we were laughing at him
i guess he figured he could play this off as me just being funny instead of me calling him out to his bs right to his face with witnesses
i did the same shit to him a day later
with a different employee
who was looking for something that i knew was in the managers office
that he was getting to it
so i told her not to laugh as i was going to bitch the manager for her
but it was important for her to keep a straight face when i did it
i did it
he, again, was my bitch
it was the hit of the warehouse
i loudly spent the morning informing the counter guys of the new location for this assortment of parts
becasaue i was trying to help
didnt want to waste their time
cuz im an asshole
i guess
but the mean seeps out at the oddest times
i wonder if it is spite filled rage when i attack other word hustlers
thats part of the game
if you got it
if you dont got it
i got it got it
i got it got it
but the world seems to want me this way
why else would i have to endure assholes for mone
the ultimate degradation
they have just enough money for me to take their shit
but not enough money for me to keep my opinions about their actions to myself
scene one
im making a delivery
im lost, sort of
i call for the street name, i been there before, but spacing it,
manager gets info
i call again because manager said there might be two things to pick up instead of one
what was the other purchase order number?
manager whines to me on the phone about how busy he is,
too busy to help me,
why don't i ask anyone else to help me when i need help?
which i thought was less than helpful, very whiny and some bitch ass shit
so as soon as i returned to the warehouse i related this opinion to the other warehouse guy who actually works his ass off and is untouchable there exactly the conversation and my pinion of the dude complete with voices
his voice, as interpreted by me a lispy faggotic perfection, the funny thing is that that very manager walks up to us in the middle of the story and i continue as if he is not there
he hears me call him a bitch ass motherfucker and DOES NOTHING
he fights back with some shit about how i could have instructed whoever answered the phone to do what i was asking, but he was doing three different things
it was going to get really ugly
really ugly tempers were flaring there
but another dude walked into the convo
he needed help
to help him solve the problem
i quoted the manager
when said manager was trying to beat me
to beat me in a game of verbal dexterity
to be a boss to me
to be the boss
he threw some pure shit at me
and i threw the same pure shit at the new dude
started cracking up
the other warehouse dude is practically shitting himself throughout this
the manager had to join in the laughter too
or look like a bigger pusssy
he was laughing with us as we were laughing at him
i guess he figured he could play this off as me just being funny instead of me calling him out to his bs right to his face with witnesses
i did the same shit to him a day later
with a different employee
who was looking for something that i knew was in the managers office
that he was getting to it
so i told her not to laugh as i was going to bitch the manager for her
but it was important for her to keep a straight face when i did it
i did it
he, again, was my bitch
it was the hit of the warehouse
i loudly spent the morning informing the counter guys of the new location for this assortment of parts
becasaue i was trying to help
didnt want to waste their time
cuz im an asshole
i guess
but the mean seeps out at the oddest times
i wonder if it is spite filled rage when i attack other word hustlers
thats part of the game
if you got it
if you dont got it
i got it got it
i got it got it
Monday, November 12, 2007
From the pile of roller girl imagery that overwhelms and over stimulates my brain a few key images stand out
The eyes of one particular honey
jane fondle
Magic in those eyes
Still sweaty and exhilarated from combat
she was
Giving off a glow
A satisfaction that was palpable
A vibe of good time fun and sharing a moment as I ridiculously flirt because I am a ridiculous fellow
I thought I saw a twinkle
Id like to pursue that twinkle
But I may have imagined it
it very well could have been a left over twinkle from another
So ill subtly inquire about the twinkle the next time I can
As subtly as I can
And if it was an imagined twinkle
So be it
No harm no foul
And I may just smile a little more
Until reality smacks another pleasant daydream from my frontal lobes
She never need know of my love of the twinkle
My first philly roller girl experience was falling in and out of love forty seven and a half times or so
An elbow there
A slide tackle there
The way they slide theatrically into the sin bin or the bench area
Working the crowd
Playing up to the unwashed Masses
Im just an easily manipulated great big mass of humanity
Im loving every second of the competition
The looks of concentration, elation and disgust
I know good shit when I see it
that’s why I had to invent this website
So when I see it out there
I can share it
So when I step in it
You can find out where to step in it too
I shares the good shit
I don’t hoard it in a one hitter
I load up the hooka
So heres some good shit for your hooka
Website to come
Yeah sure
Herd that before
The eyes of one particular honey
jane fondle
Magic in those eyes
Still sweaty and exhilarated from combat
she was
Giving off a glow
A satisfaction that was palpable
A vibe of good time fun and sharing a moment as I ridiculously flirt because I am a ridiculous fellow
I thought I saw a twinkle
Id like to pursue that twinkle
But I may have imagined it
it very well could have been a left over twinkle from another
So ill subtly inquire about the twinkle the next time I can
As subtly as I can
And if it was an imagined twinkle
So be it
No harm no foul
And I may just smile a little more
Until reality smacks another pleasant daydream from my frontal lobes
She never need know of my love of the twinkle
My first philly roller girl experience was falling in and out of love forty seven and a half times or so
An elbow there
A slide tackle there
The way they slide theatrically into the sin bin or the bench area
Working the crowd
Playing up to the unwashed Masses
Im just an easily manipulated great big mass of humanity
Im loving every second of the competition
The looks of concentration, elation and disgust
I know good shit when I see it
that’s why I had to invent this website
So when I see it out there
I can share it
So when I step in it
You can find out where to step in it too
I shares the good shit
I don’t hoard it in a one hitter
I load up the hooka
So heres some good shit for your hooka
Website to come
Yeah sure
Herd that before
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i want to date a roller hottie
philly roller girls. com
i witnessed an awesome combination of fury, athleticism, and sexuality last night on roller skates
these chix were knocking the shit out of one another
i went into the nite thinking the hostile city honeys were my kinda team
i left knowing new heros
awed by their athleticism
enraptured by thier attributes
floored by their physicality
these bitches kick ass
nena knockout is tougher than half of the rugby players i know
she brings it AND throws it around
every other girls head is on a swivel
wondrin where the KO is coming from
and boom
jammer down jammer down
teflon donna is a big bag of ornery lightning to KO's thunder
all of a sudden shes behind you then by you
and if you are her opposing jammer your head-ache is soon to arrive
then those redhaired valkyries on skates
the jersey bitch and felony griffith
swooping out of the clouds
smiting and fighting and skating and creating holes fo their ho's to skate thru and score
oohhh and that felony can jammmm
if theres an inch or two of space felony will find it and squak through on one wheel while contorting her lithe frame into "mr fantastic"-an proportions
they also imported a lovely wilmingtonian on to their team last night
ali-coholic really throws her delightflly ruebenesque hottness around
and if we are talking hotties that skate real fast dont forget about anti-dote
in an eyeblink shes around the track again doing crazy physics shit with her low center of sexy gravity
we are talking athletes
we are talking crazy-sexy
we are talking impact
we are talking hostile city hottties,
those hostile city honeys
philly roller girls. com
i witnessed an awesome combination of fury, athleticism, and sexuality last night on roller skates
these chix were knocking the shit out of one another
i went into the nite thinking the hostile city honeys were my kinda team
i left knowing new heros
awed by their athleticism
enraptured by thier attributes
floored by their physicality
these bitches kick ass
nena knockout is tougher than half of the rugby players i know
she brings it AND throws it around
every other girls head is on a swivel
wondrin where the KO is coming from
and boom
jammer down jammer down
teflon donna is a big bag of ornery lightning to KO's thunder
all of a sudden shes behind you then by you
and if you are her opposing jammer your head-ache is soon to arrive
then those redhaired valkyries on skates
the jersey bitch and felony griffith
swooping out of the clouds
smiting and fighting and skating and creating holes fo their ho's to skate thru and score
oohhh and that felony can jammmm
if theres an inch or two of space felony will find it and squak through on one wheel while contorting her lithe frame into "mr fantastic"-an proportions
they also imported a lovely wilmingtonian on to their team last night
ali-coholic really throws her delightflly ruebenesque hottness around
and if we are talking hotties that skate real fast dont forget about anti-dote
in an eyeblink shes around the track again doing crazy physics shit with her low center of sexy gravity
we are talking athletes
we are talking crazy-sexy
we are talking impact
we are talking hostile city hottties,
those hostile city honeys
so if i gotta go out in public to blog
as i seem to have to
it makes sense that i establish my idiocy by the image i present to the world
if im gonna sound like an idiot i guess ill dress like one whenever appropriate
and if im the kinda asshole who has to leave his house to connect to the web then i may just as well promote the brand name a bit in my idiotic attire and ridiculous intereactions with the general publi
if the world is my living room now, please excuse me as i scratch my balls
the adjustment to being a clothed internet user has been a rough on
im usually always naked when im online
this is weird
these garments on my gentailia
a belly lke this shoudl hang out, for all to admire
lets just unbotton this a little and ahhhhh
ohh yeah
why am i bieng asked to leave
u gotta be kidding right
your turning off the server?
go ahead i can reconn.........
as i seem to have to
it makes sense that i establish my idiocy by the image i present to the world
if im gonna sound like an idiot i guess ill dress like one whenever appropriate
and if im the kinda asshole who has to leave his house to connect to the web then i may just as well promote the brand name a bit in my idiotic attire and ridiculous intereactions with the general publi
if the world is my living room now, please excuse me as i scratch my balls
the adjustment to being a clothed internet user has been a rough on
im usually always naked when im online
this is weird
these garments on my gentailia
a belly lke this shoudl hang out, for all to admire
lets just unbotton this a little and ahhhhh
ohh yeah
why am i bieng asked to leave
u gotta be kidding right
your turning off the server?
go ahead i can reconn.........
dressed like an idiot
for a free cup of coffee
the latest coffee shop hottie to catch my eye thought i was running a pee wee herman number on her
i may have used him a source
so she starts laughing and i tell her ill dress like him and she says if i do she will buy me coffee
i say see ya next week
its next week
she looks at me walk in
shes talking to another custome
trying to finish her sentence but
Hil-HARRY-T takes her over
the laugh is in he sentence
she has to stop shes speechless
bending over laughing
i start my speech
hilharrytee commences
i may do alotta things for free coffee rachel
but im still a loner
the road is my mistress and i think i hear her calling to me now
she shakes my hand and thanks me
its a start
i like breaking hotties up wiff my hilharrytee
its the funniest tee shirt ever
hillary clinton on one side
harry b on the other
a laughing hottie is a happy hotties
happy hotties sometimes seek more of the laugh drug
what was a once a week laugh
turns to three four times a week and an email or two
a quick invite
once she becomes addicted to your brand
you change up on heer
break out the dark humor
the hurtful stuff
and she says its not funny anymore and you go all beserko with rage and claim shes trying to change you
what i cant joke anymore?
ima funny guy
im growing as an artist
changing my humor a bit
just be a good audieence for a bit
would it be a funny joke if it was about someone else?
and thats my patented love plan
now available to you
the social reject
for the low low cost of 49.99 that you can make in three ez payments of 23.25 a month
money back garunteeed
improve your charm game
get your flirt on
rejigger your mojo
pimpify your persona
scramble her muffin
thats what you do
scramble her muffin good
real good
mmm thats good muffin
and all for 49.99
cash only
for a free cup of coffee
the latest coffee shop hottie to catch my eye thought i was running a pee wee herman number on her
i may have used him a source
so she starts laughing and i tell her ill dress like him and she says if i do she will buy me coffee
i say see ya next week
its next week
she looks at me walk in
shes talking to another custome
trying to finish her sentence but
Hil-HARRY-T takes her over
the laugh is in he sentence
she has to stop shes speechless
bending over laughing
i start my speech
hilharrytee commences
i may do alotta things for free coffee rachel
but im still a loner
the road is my mistress and i think i hear her calling to me now
she shakes my hand and thanks me
its a start
i like breaking hotties up wiff my hilharrytee
its the funniest tee shirt ever
hillary clinton on one side
harry b on the other
a laughing hottie is a happy hotties
happy hotties sometimes seek more of the laugh drug
what was a once a week laugh
turns to three four times a week and an email or two
a quick invite
once she becomes addicted to your brand
you change up on heer
break out the dark humor
the hurtful stuff
and she says its not funny anymore and you go all beserko with rage and claim shes trying to change you
what i cant joke anymore?
ima funny guy
im growing as an artist
changing my humor a bit
just be a good audieence for a bit
would it be a funny joke if it was about someone else?
and thats my patented love plan
now available to you
the social reject
for the low low cost of 49.99 that you can make in three ez payments of 23.25 a month
money back garunteeed
improve your charm game
get your flirt on
rejigger your mojo
pimpify your persona
scramble her muffin
thats what you do
scramble her muffin good
real good
mmm thats good muffin
and all for 49.99
cash only
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
a slight detour from grand visions
accomplishments of wordy nature
had to get my drink on
cuz i vizzed it
and when i visualize a happnin
it tends to happen
call me a proactive psychic
i viz it
then take steps to live it
i sent an email out to my drinking crew
otherwise known as a rugby team
said i planned to get shitty on maragaritas before the black landlord show
apparently i am a blackout drunk now
my brother said i toppled on south street
after the margs
b4 the LORD show
he said for me to watch out
and steadied me
i said fuck you
on my back
in the entrance to a third bar
i regained memory at HO SAI GAI
and ordered fried dumplings
which was the issue
empty stomach syndrome
i ate one pack of oodles of noodles all day
then a brownie
a good brownie
then a second brownie
and then lotsa tequila in margarita form
then the memory loss
then the LORD show
no fuel in my machine
no base
flagged at the troc because i was heckling the trivia game
that i remember
they want a name
i yell a date
eagles game loud
they want a number
i provide a president
700 level volume
my manly dynamism was too much for them to handle
so they took action
the LORD was rockin
i was dancin
they dont want my cash,
more for the next stop
accomplishments of wordy nature
had to get my drink on
cuz i vizzed it
and when i visualize a happnin
it tends to happen
call me a proactive psychic
i viz it
then take steps to live it
i sent an email out to my drinking crew
otherwise known as a rugby team
said i planned to get shitty on maragaritas before the black landlord show
apparently i am a blackout drunk now
my brother said i toppled on south street
after the margs
b4 the LORD show
he said for me to watch out
and steadied me
i said fuck you
on my back
in the entrance to a third bar
i regained memory at HO SAI GAI
and ordered fried dumplings
which was the issue
empty stomach syndrome
i ate one pack of oodles of noodles all day
then a brownie
a good brownie
then a second brownie
and then lotsa tequila in margarita form
then the memory loss
then the LORD show
no fuel in my machine
no base
flagged at the troc because i was heckling the trivia game
that i remember
they want a name
i yell a date
eagles game loud
they want a number
i provide a president
700 level volume
my manly dynamism was too much for them to handle
so they took action
the LORD was rockin
i was dancin
they dont want my cash,
more for the next stop
Sunday, November 04, 2007
i rearranged my setup and can now get online when my neighbor is on his system
good enough for me
i have a suitcase full of papers from one teaching assignment
a beer case full of college notes
45 notebooks
a pocket organizer full of emptiness
six and a half journals
threee magazine holders of loose things and a small filing system.
basically overwhelmed by twenty years of words
need to sift thru them
somehow recycle the winners
and get the losers back into the world in a different form
if i can get thru some of the backlog
and start the
Medicore American Novel
ill feel better at my shitty job because im making forward progress
so heres the beginning of the Mediocre american novel
the MAN book
redundant for sure
for emphasis
its a novel and a book
about how rugby turned me into a man
about escaping life in this vehicle
about what happens to a person when his escape pod runs out of steam due to the ravages of 20 plus years of rugby on my aging soft body that used to be a missle of muscle
heres the skeleton of the novel then
it wouldnt be my opus if i didnt get sidetracked
i apologize in advance for being sidetracked, but some sentences scream out to be written
i cant avoid their screams
write me harry, im marginally interesting, they cry out
and my fingers follow the thoughts and then ive pissed off another constituancy
ill put the beginning of the MAN BOOK up
and furtively work on it every morning at 4 am
like that suicide guy did in the keys
standing up
facing the day
except i like to sit on my big fat ass
thus the preface is written
On The Pitch
by harry baker
confessions of a rugby whore
The rugby field is referred to properly as the pitch. Things are easier to figure out on the pitch. Life is less complicated, things happen for a reason, even the random things. There are a finite number of variables for you to try to control.
CHAPTER>I was a virgin in my first ever rugby game. Living with my great aunt kitty in Swarthmore. Staying in a in the attic, commuting to community colIege of Philadelphia. Getting pinched by the cops at froggies and crying my way out.
Police raid, Here come the water works, tears which melt a hardened cops heart. Tears so profound that hotties everywhere will be lining up,naked on their knees, five at a time to fellate me. American blowjob is the title of the reality series. I comb the country looking for the best possible head. Different categories to. Best head professional. Best head colege girl division. Best head barely eighteeen division. Best head from a dude. We will let someone else make that seiries
A subcontractor from the gay division of harryco, a loosely owned subsidiary of drunkleco started playing in
So you can se how I link rugby and sexy in my mind, although it is just a coincidence that my cherry in rugby was popped at just about the same time that that secretary at the college introduced me to the world of love. nostalgic loving capter. the first great unrequited loves, growing out of being a little dude wrestling 129 in high school to my present manly behemouthness.
CHAPTER>The coke in argentina was a lot more dangerous than the city blow us tourists were used to. Something about secret police and repressive government shakedowns of tourists and hard time for the dealers. They didn’t want it to appear that there was a problem with it in their country, so the USA could train it’s anti-drug eradication efforts to their neighbors to the north. The old guard sons of Nazis are efficient businessmen. The same old Nazis whose factories lay unbombed during WWII be agreement AND BUSINES TIES WITH THE us GOVERNMENT ARE STILL IN BUSINESS WITH US government today
The bushes have replaced the fords as the people to know over here, the husseins and the jews in the Mideast, the royals in Britannia and the real powers, the swiss bankers and dutch insurance industries.---tuff guy rugby memories here from washington dc,
sex in foreign places, other states, bathrooms at rugby tournaments,
i didnt know the rugby team had a club based on her. all i knew was that she was another TGI Fridays bartender, from the falls church store
all i knew was that she had deep brown eyes and a fabulous smile, all i knew was that we should be going out as young and dnamic and sexy as we both were. we decided to go to a comedy club. i picked her un in my little red toyota starlet. a 550 dollar car that ran forever. my mom felt kinda guilty about my running off to face the world as i did when i dropped out of college at 23. i was too close to the real world. i was a semester from graduation. i was not ready for work every friggin day or the responsibility of taking care of other peoples kids
so i left on thanksgiving eve. everyting interesting happens to me around holidays. my note said "im out of here" i taped it to a bottle of korbel champagne on the kitchen table
my dramatic mom thought it was a suicide note
igot on the bus to dc. i told them the keys to the car were under the seat and headed south
dropped off the face of the earth
heading towards an angel named sunni who lived in dc
spent thanksgigving at the dc bus terminal, long walks thru the hood there looking for a motel...jimmy stewarts wonderful life in a shitty little room on thanksgiving morn then back to the bus station
was about to buy a bus ticket to LA when i dialed her phone number WITHOUT the area code and she seemed happy to hear from me, was in an expensive place and offered me a fouton as we shared nachos at the local TGIF
so we were yukking it
me and the hot Fridays bartender
drinking chilled stoli with sugar coated lemon chasers
what were those tings called?
ahhh lemondrops
we had six or seven of those and made our way out the back door
there was a little hill there
we laid on the grass and started to fool around a little
the show ends and we are laying on the grass and peoples headlights shine on us
now i know how porn stars feel about the lighting
certainl not mood lighting
the little hill is really a drainiage area for the parking lot we surmise
but our passion is unabated
we move down the small hill towards the steel drain in rhythm
like a sexy sexy caterpillar
we finish up i drive her home im such a romantic in these days and so in love all of a sudden im dining below her waistline in the parkinglot of her apartment building
it must have been thirty minutes or so
i was in full love mode
my face was quite sticky
we go to her place and crash
morningloving is the best lovin and or hungover asses start to feel frisky
i sent a scot
always important to send a scout before you dive upon the muff
i stroke her silky butt hairs
thats different
insert the index finger
stroke more
bring him back to report to mr nose and am gagged
almost lose my cookies right there
so i roll on top, no foreplay, mr rugby lover at work and head to the shower once i cum
in the shower the water hits my member, the scent is overwhelming
i do puke then
in the shower
mostly bile
if she hears my wretching she is very polite not to mention it
and we kiss goodbye and i am still a little queasy
a month or two goes by and i find out the rugby team has a club
the hairy butt club
she seems to dig us rugby players
and it starts to make sense as another barkeep over at her TGIF is also a rugby stud
CHAPTER> in which the author descibes his current love thinking, the hippie redux song seems appropos....if you cant be with the one you love honey, love the one youre with, love the one youre with
Do do do do do do do do do do
as hippy offspring i can find something to love in almost anyone
randomly running into a hottie
starting a convo
being amazed when she responds favorably to my flirtaceous overtures
how does that happen i wonder?
what is wrong with this hotties eyesight, self esteem, sense of smell?
what is her tragic secret that she flirts back with a big fat steaming pile of shit such as myself?
ill find the tragic secret sooner or later.
and when i find it it is up to me to embrace it and start the healing and love her forever, or it is time for us to move on
i am a pleasant person to be around and my sex drive is sooo fucked up by my blood pressure medication as to be non-existant
i got nothing but time to find your sexiness , future hottie lover
and by then maybe i wont be on the blood pressure meds anymore
my recent relationship was a horrible balancing act between taking the antiboner pills and pinning her anarchist ass to the matress on the days when i cleared my system of the fould pharmacists toxic offerings
if we were going to be together later in the week id stop taking the pills a few days in advance and my old friend fuckstick would be ready for action
shed ask me if i was taking my pills the next morning and id cherily lie to her, still smiling about the fornication from the previous evening
ok so thats the outline
i will work on the details every morning and withing a few short seasons i may have some really rough and shitty MAN BOOK written and then i can die happily
having accomplished something
good enough for me
i have a suitcase full of papers from one teaching assignment
a beer case full of college notes
45 notebooks
a pocket organizer full of emptiness
six and a half journals
threee magazine holders of loose things and a small filing system.
basically overwhelmed by twenty years of words
need to sift thru them
somehow recycle the winners
and get the losers back into the world in a different form
if i can get thru some of the backlog
and start the
Medicore American Novel
ill feel better at my shitty job because im making forward progress
so heres the beginning of the Mediocre american novel
the MAN book
redundant for sure
for emphasis
its a novel and a book
about how rugby turned me into a man
about escaping life in this vehicle
about what happens to a person when his escape pod runs out of steam due to the ravages of 20 plus years of rugby on my aging soft body that used to be a missle of muscle
heres the skeleton of the novel then
it wouldnt be my opus if i didnt get sidetracked
i apologize in advance for being sidetracked, but some sentences scream out to be written
i cant avoid their screams
write me harry, im marginally interesting, they cry out
and my fingers follow the thoughts and then ive pissed off another constituancy
ill put the beginning of the MAN BOOK up
and furtively work on it every morning at 4 am
like that suicide guy did in the keys
standing up
facing the day
except i like to sit on my big fat ass
thus the preface is written
On The Pitch
by harry baker
confessions of a rugby whore
The rugby field is referred to properly as the pitch. Things are easier to figure out on the pitch. Life is less complicated, things happen for a reason, even the random things. There are a finite number of variables for you to try to control.
CHAPTER>I was a virgin in my first ever rugby game. Living with my great aunt kitty in Swarthmore. Staying in a in the attic, commuting to community colIege of Philadelphia. Getting pinched by the cops at froggies and crying my way out.
Police raid, Here come the water works, tears which melt a hardened cops heart. Tears so profound that hotties everywhere will be lining up,naked on their knees, five at a time to fellate me. American blowjob is the title of the reality series. I comb the country looking for the best possible head. Different categories to. Best head professional. Best head colege girl division. Best head barely eighteeen division. Best head from a dude. We will let someone else make that seiries
A subcontractor from the gay division of harryco, a loosely owned subsidiary of drunkleco started playing in
So you can se how I link rugby and sexy in my mind, although it is just a coincidence that my cherry in rugby was popped at just about the same time that that secretary at the college introduced me to the world of love. nostalgic loving capter. the first great unrequited loves, growing out of being a little dude wrestling 129 in high school to my present manly behemouthness.
CHAPTER>The coke in argentina was a lot more dangerous than the city blow us tourists were used to. Something about secret police and repressive government shakedowns of tourists and hard time for the dealers. They didn’t want it to appear that there was a problem with it in their country, so the USA could train it’s anti-drug eradication efforts to their neighbors to the north. The old guard sons of Nazis are efficient businessmen. The same old Nazis whose factories lay unbombed during WWII be agreement AND BUSINES TIES WITH THE us GOVERNMENT ARE STILL IN BUSINESS WITH US government today
The bushes have replaced the fords as the people to know over here, the husseins and the jews in the Mideast, the royals in Britannia and the real powers, the swiss bankers and dutch insurance industries.---tuff guy rugby memories here from washington dc,
sex in foreign places, other states, bathrooms at rugby tournaments,
i didnt know the rugby team had a club based on her. all i knew was that she was another TGI Fridays bartender, from the falls church store
all i knew was that she had deep brown eyes and a fabulous smile, all i knew was that we should be going out as young and dnamic and sexy as we both were. we decided to go to a comedy club. i picked her un in my little red toyota starlet. a 550 dollar car that ran forever. my mom felt kinda guilty about my running off to face the world as i did when i dropped out of college at 23. i was too close to the real world. i was a semester from graduation. i was not ready for work every friggin day or the responsibility of taking care of other peoples kids
so i left on thanksgiving eve. everyting interesting happens to me around holidays. my note said "im out of here" i taped it to a bottle of korbel champagne on the kitchen table
my dramatic mom thought it was a suicide note
igot on the bus to dc. i told them the keys to the car were under the seat and headed south
dropped off the face of the earth
heading towards an angel named sunni who lived in dc
spent thanksgigving at the dc bus terminal, long walks thru the hood there looking for a motel...jimmy stewarts wonderful life in a shitty little room on thanksgiving morn then back to the bus station
was about to buy a bus ticket to LA when i dialed her phone number WITHOUT the area code and she seemed happy to hear from me, was in an expensive place and offered me a fouton as we shared nachos at the local TGIF
so we were yukking it
me and the hot Fridays bartender
drinking chilled stoli with sugar coated lemon chasers
what were those tings called?
ahhh lemondrops
we had six or seven of those and made our way out the back door
there was a little hill there
we laid on the grass and started to fool around a little
the show ends and we are laying on the grass and peoples headlights shine on us
now i know how porn stars feel about the lighting
certainl not mood lighting
the little hill is really a drainiage area for the parking lot we surmise
but our passion is unabated
we move down the small hill towards the steel drain in rhythm
like a sexy sexy caterpillar
we finish up i drive her home im such a romantic in these days and so in love all of a sudden im dining below her waistline in the parkinglot of her apartment building
it must have been thirty minutes or so
i was in full love mode
my face was quite sticky
we go to her place and crash
morningloving is the best lovin and or hungover asses start to feel frisky
i sent a scot
always important to send a scout before you dive upon the muff
i stroke her silky butt hairs
thats different
insert the index finger
stroke more
bring him back to report to mr nose and am gagged
almost lose my cookies right there
so i roll on top, no foreplay, mr rugby lover at work and head to the shower once i cum
in the shower the water hits my member, the scent is overwhelming
i do puke then
in the shower
mostly bile
if she hears my wretching she is very polite not to mention it
and we kiss goodbye and i am still a little queasy
a month or two goes by and i find out the rugby team has a club
the hairy butt club
she seems to dig us rugby players
and it starts to make sense as another barkeep over at her TGIF is also a rugby stud
CHAPTER> in which the author descibes his current love thinking, the hippie redux song seems appropos....if you cant be with the one you love honey, love the one youre with, love the one youre with
Do do do do do do do do do do
as hippy offspring i can find something to love in almost anyone
randomly running into a hottie
starting a convo
being amazed when she responds favorably to my flirtaceous overtures
how does that happen i wonder?
what is wrong with this hotties eyesight, self esteem, sense of smell?
what is her tragic secret that she flirts back with a big fat steaming pile of shit such as myself?
ill find the tragic secret sooner or later.
and when i find it it is up to me to embrace it and start the healing and love her forever, or it is time for us to move on
i am a pleasant person to be around and my sex drive is sooo fucked up by my blood pressure medication as to be non-existant
i got nothing but time to find your sexiness , future hottie lover
and by then maybe i wont be on the blood pressure meds anymore
my recent relationship was a horrible balancing act between taking the antiboner pills and pinning her anarchist ass to the matress on the days when i cleared my system of the fould pharmacists toxic offerings
if we were going to be together later in the week id stop taking the pills a few days in advance and my old friend fuckstick would be ready for action
shed ask me if i was taking my pills the next morning and id cherily lie to her, still smiling about the fornication from the previous evening
ok so thats the outline
i will work on the details every morning and withing a few short seasons i may have some really rough and shitty MAN BOOK written and then i can die happily
having accomplished something
Saturday, November 03, 2007
okay, got the skeleton up
now to put the words up there which someday get me out of the rent-race
a guys gotta dream
my dream is to stop paying rent
my dream is to live out of a duffelbag
write a book about living on different peoples couches
couches of destiny
harrys world couch tour
teeshirts available
first i gotta sell all my stuff
so that seems like another website
man so much to do to live the dream
now to put the words up there which someday get me out of the rent-race
a guys gotta dream
my dream is to stop paying rent
my dream is to live out of a duffelbag
write a book about living on different peoples couches
couches of destiny
harrys world couch tour
teeshirts available
first i gotta sell all my stuff
so that seems like another website
man so much to do to live the dream
New submission guidelines for muse/bat website
Must include graphix for eye break
Must not talk about chix unless love is suspected, felt, imagined or possible
No stories about cunts
Unless they are beloved cunts
About how much your love overwhelms her cuntiness and your assholery is held in check by her powerful waftings
powerfully wafting from her nether regions, the steamy remnants of recent sex
a smell that tells you you are her man
she is your gal
i was just drifting off, but you seem frisky, heh heh heh
And no stories about loneliness
Cuz there are cures
Ways to heal
Time to broaden my social parameters a bit
To de-hermit myself
To share my love with the world
To thank my creator by helping others in my tribe become successful
And that’s why theres a harry living on my couch
Hes my tribal economic counselor
Rumor has it that THE ONE lived on peoples couches for quite some time
Even after he made it
Mr Anderson
Why is a millionaire living on peoples couches?
Im the new keanau man
Keanau bukowski
Like marilyn manson but with cooler cultural referents
And Czech out those initials
KB mannnn
You know what that stands for
Yeah baybeee
maybe keanau bukowski can be the site with the apealing graffix package
this word dump serves a purpose
its my calling card
its my portfolio
its the beginning
im tired of working for others
i will make the words do the work for me
be off little ones
make daddy some money out there on the web
thats a good little adjective
thats daddys nice noun strewn phrasing
Must include graphix for eye break
Must not talk about chix unless love is suspected, felt, imagined or possible
No stories about cunts
Unless they are beloved cunts
About how much your love overwhelms her cuntiness and your assholery is held in check by her powerful waftings
powerfully wafting from her nether regions, the steamy remnants of recent sex
a smell that tells you you are her man
she is your gal
i was just drifting off, but you seem frisky, heh heh heh
And no stories about loneliness
Cuz there are cures
Ways to heal
Time to broaden my social parameters a bit
To de-hermit myself
To share my love with the world
To thank my creator by helping others in my tribe become successful
And that’s why theres a harry living on my couch
Hes my tribal economic counselor
Rumor has it that THE ONE lived on peoples couches for quite some time
Even after he made it
Mr Anderson
Why is a millionaire living on peoples couches?
Im the new keanau man
Keanau bukowski
Like marilyn manson but with cooler cultural referents
And Czech out those initials
KB mannnn
You know what that stands for
Yeah baybeee
maybe keanau bukowski can be the site with the apealing graffix package
this word dump serves a purpose
its my calling card
its my portfolio
its the beginning
im tired of working for others
i will make the words do the work for me
be off little ones
make daddy some money out there on the web
thats a good little adjective
thats daddys nice noun strewn phrasing
Friday, November 02, 2007
lazy asshole boss gets in my world as i putter around the warehouse
doing good works
making things better
he doesnt want to lift a finger
or get dirty
so now, due to the negative interaction
i become
surly warehouse dude
slow walking warehouse dude
monosyllabic grunting brute
if he doesnt get that he should never
under any circumstances, talk to me
then he'll wonder why shit aint being done in a timely manner
i learned from the teamsters baybee
i got levels of downshift they aint seen yet
and theres always the big mess i can ma
doing good works
making things better
he doesnt want to lift a finger
or get dirty
so now, due to the negative interaction
i become
surly warehouse dude
slow walking warehouse dude
monosyllabic grunting brute
if he doesnt get that he should never
under any circumstances, talk to me
then he'll wonder why shit aint being done in a timely manner
i learned from the teamsters baybee
i got levels of downshift they aint seen yet
and theres always the big mess i can ma