fixed up a mean smoothie yesterday
ice, organic mango carrot juice, cranberry juice, silken tofu
and a blue stemmed ingredient known to some as the flesh of the gods
i poured it into three glasses and toasted
my brother is out of town this week
maybe forever
we had to have a sacred sendoff
my brother chugged his of course
that is the key to his relocation
a zest for rapid liquid consumption
so i poured him another glass
topped my pops
and had some more for myself
again, quickly consumed by us kids
my dad was sipping and savoring
he refused the last top off
more food for my head then
bill, from up on the hill, was going to be shit out of luck today
he should have answered his phone
when the magic smoothieman called
i decided to take the dog on a walk around the block
waiting for my digestive system to recognize the contents and communicate to my brain that it was time to unlock the shadow world
where everthing is greener
where your thoughts have their own soundtrack
where you understand the language of the birds
a third of the way around the block and the llamas are checking me and the dog out from on top of the hill
we must be old news to them by now
they used to come skipping over
bounce bounce bounce
im smiling as the leaves start to become greener
mother nature is hijacking my brain again
all due to the intervention of a goddess in my life
when i chose a different bar
she just appeared
we fell into a conversation that ive had before
on many different planes and in many different places
just one of those people you get a vibe off
someone raised right
with an unclouded mind
unafraid of a lumbering bearded freak like myself
able to appreciate a fellows humanity
and having the right connections at the right time
the cosmos smiled at me
as the road started bubbling
aztec faces in the macadam
shifting in and out of view
a long line of preists and warriors
biding their time in the tar and gravel
waiting for the cycle to renew
waiting to be unlocked from history
making my way up the last bit of straightaway to my parents farm i am suddenly paranoid
feeling exposed in the sunlight
seeking the shadows cool embrace
perhaps it is due to the fact that my eyes are wide open now
retinas the size of quarters
making the sunlight too strong
i reach the woods and am on sacred ground again
walking thru the field and under a canopy
the birds call me by name
harry, over here
harry, over here
yer the man
yer the man
yer the man
yeah yeah yeah
floating along a winding path
thru what used to be a cornfield
but was reclaimed by mother earth
and has been organic for fifteen years now
i find mushrooms growing in the path and wonder
i make a note to come back later
my shoes come off and the cool grass welcomes me home
i make it to the picnic table
which is suddenly alive with movement
i can see thru the cracks as they breathe
green, blue and red phosphorent light peeks thru from time to time
i look under the table for the source
it is in the wood itself
now this is getting interesting
i pile the seven sacred stones on the picnic table and marvel at how alive they are
rocks have a long memories
they'll wait us out
they'll out last us
they're patient
they are incredibly lively
each small discoloration dances with the others to their own silent music
melting and flowing
i need to lay down
i see an even more alive sky
the clouds turn into giant snowflake templates
rotating geometrical perfections
a mass of semi-transparent gears in the sky
the machinery of the sky
other clouds wisps turn into elfin faces
or womens curves
every now and then a face or a skull
towering faces
towering boobs
long hips tapering into thighs
and all dancing for me to a soundtrack of conversational snippets
i know, or think i know, it is just random neurons firing off
chemical dementia
but it sure seems like the universe is talking about me
and the universe seems to think that im doing ok
even onto something
i hear a power saw from the barn and think
how can this be good
i make my way behing the garden
thru strangely animated trees and vines
the breeze is only doing some of it
the leaves are trying to caress me
i am nature boy
mother natures son
and i love my momma
i climb the steps to the barn and thers my brother in weirdo hippy garb he found in the barn
part of his journey i guess
we chat a bit about journies and his future and his head is right
we decide that the power tools are not a good way to go and light up the one-hitter to activate the godsflesh
my pop sees us and calls
we head over
he wants to know how long this shit lasts
i tell him 2 days
and he says no really
im thirsty and i grab my glass from the kitchen and fill it
it is glowing blue with a bit of foam on top
i guess there was some residue in the glass
and it becomes my trip companion
i can taste the rocks in the water
we have a good well at the farm
and the rocks give the water a tasty timelessness
some pussies buy watersofteners for water like this
i like the rocky goodness
like im drinking of the earth
its a light blue glow in my glass
softer blue than a clear
maybe the blue of my eyes
two hours in now, about halfway and i head upstairs to check on my pop
hes in bed, but not sleeping
seems ok
i sit in the next room
theres a basket ball game coming on and it should be interesting to see shaq pushing people around
but its too far away
i watch a little of RAY and my timing is perfect
hes in rehab
kicking the habit
music and lights and images that are alien to my own
the clouds are much nicei refill my glow water and go back to cloudland
now they have occaisional grids of red dots intersperced
and the thin neon orange lines of what can only be the framework of the universe
everthing hangs from these lines, but you cant see them for long
i peruse my feet
ankles swollen from my lack of high blood pressure medicine
toes gnarly like a hairless hobbits
i tell my body to heal itself
to fix the ankles and do some ankle twists, both directions
they pop
its starting to get a little chilly and im suddenly starving
i raid the icebox and fix up the best sandwich ever
time for more tube
my dads got blade on
early in the movie at the vampire dance club
techno and writhing demons dancing in blood
the scene lasts forever
my dad says whats that fie in the next room
i go to seits the sunst and its telling me theres a much better show on outside
back to the picnic table for me
with more rock water of course
the sunset is phenomenal
first the trees are afire with golden light
then the clouds
less snowfalkes and faces up there now, but more female bodies
i think that was a nipple
and it makes sense
since clouds are water vapors
and women are 97% water
some hot ass bitches have been sweating and peeing which evaporates and for some reason it is only their watery essenses over this little stretch of land tonight
thanks mama natural!
the clouds above the hill go grey with pinkish highlights in the thin spots from where the tops of the clouds are still bathed in the last bits of sunshine
red on the horizon
blood red
i watch them boil for long time and realize its almost night and im freezing again
my dads up there watching baseball without the sound
he says its better this way, doncha think
he relates that he was closing his eyes and that he was feeeling like hed miss something that way but it got better with his eyes closed
might try that next time
four hours post smoothy and things are returning to normal
i feel as if i hit the reset button on my brain
i needed to reboot it
to defrag it
to rid my brain of cultures toxins
now i can think clearly again
now i can plan effectively
the next morning my ankles are normally sized
the healing has begun