waiting for my muse in a dark alley with an aluminum bat

unedited pure neanderthal musings NeANDERThallus's DONut EDiT!!! historical records from my cave walls... brutality, menial labor, minor victories, hot sexy interludes....... 3 years on the edges of a society that i cant distance myself enough from

My Photo

since 2005 i've been picking at this keyboard. the thoughtstreams flow, who knows from whence they came, or to whence they go? enjoy the ride...... i am

Monday, March 31, 2008

heres the first song off my new album

im working on the mix now

that and working on buyin a guitar

and learning to play

unless keyboards are more my style

anyway it goes like this

Hey, mummer mommy

dropping your kids off at the school

hey mummer mommy

your mans a drunken fool

lets walk to the coffeshop and chat for a bit

then folow me to my spot and

ill eat the corn out of your shit

mummer mommies really make my day

hey mummer mommy

your sweatpants fit so well

hey mummer mommy

my apendage starts to swell

you look so fine

you taste so sweet

i dont have a job

but ill rub your feet

mummer mommies really make my day

im really gonna rock the mummer mommy part ala jim morrrison on riders on the storm


olde school style

should be a crowd pleaser if im singing it at the local bars in south philly


if im going to be underemployed i must seriously investigate ALL revenue streams

gotta find a keyboard

i had piano lessons for a few years

and with my newly crippled thumb, the guitar pick may hurt

Sunday, March 30, 2008

unlike our president
i have an exit strategy
as soon as they open the roof deck
and add 75 seats
and 104 steps
see ya
i was hit by a car on the way to work
i caught leprosy
my water filter didnt filter out the tiny pirrahnas and they ate my lungs
it will be a doozy of an excuse
and it will be sad
when they lose their 44 year old all star runner of food
but i aint doing steps and stayiing late
rumor has it the deck stays open til whenever and the kitchen till after one
eff that
ill take as much cash as i can until that day
and then come up with a story
its gotta be a god one becasue this bridge cant burn
they do a youth thing with school kids and the promoter wants to expand it
so i gotta stay good with the powers that be
so this will be some exit strategy
a thing of beauty
some elegantly fabricated illusion

Friday, March 28, 2008

in my constant battle with the wolves i am managing to hold them at bay
they get near my neck from time to time
but i always escape
i have manufactured more time for myself
quitting one shitty job for another
i gained two hours a day i used to waste on public transportation
that should be worth something
i have open days for odd jobs, paint work or even substitute teaching
..... if i get my ducks in a row
but most of the ducks have been gobbled up by the always present wolves
the surviving ducks are a wary, suspicious lot
they've seen their hatchling buddies eaten up by a wolf in drunks clothing
they thought little red riding hood could not happen to them
im going to have to adapt my work schedule too
right now they have me for four days a week
which feels like too much
tey also want me to show up for brunch, which makes me shudder
that would be a massively long day
i need to impress upon them that i want a three day work week
ill work another week or so before i start making demands
i did say weds, if needed
i guess they needed me...
they want to eat up my free time because i am an undervalued commodity
im not charging them enough
i need to get my manipulation game together
get the manager used to my refusals
is it realistic for the 44 year olde man, who works until his feets be hurting to then show up for breakfast, like a young buck?
i wil try it for one day
but i will fill the air with complaints
the manager must choose
saturday night or all day sunday
not both
no one will work me to death
i wont let them
not for shit money
you want me to kill myself?
you better triple my pay
and hire someone else
i have done the weekend warrior thing, but with better shoes
and 20 years ago
when i recovered alot more quickly
when my knees had the factory issued ligaments and shock absorbers
before they put a cadaver in my left knee and sewed the right one back together with titaniums screws
thats a line that needs to be on my resume
the one that was on the application was the line about the sense of dread that filled me whenever i got on the bus to my dead end job
they still hired me
maybe they didnt read that line?
doesnt that line scream "employee of the month candidate?"
ill start my brain wave manipulation of management tonight
hopefully he is not jabba the hut
immune to my jedi mind tricks
they will figure it out
ill help them manage me
thats who i am
helpful harry

Thursday, March 27, 2008

hello, wasted potential enterprises, how can i direct your call?
mr bakeowski is in a meeting right now
he left word not to be disturbed
well, that does sound urgent but....
ok, ok
the meeting is at 4th and south, south east corner
yes, i know thats a bar
mr bakeowski has recipe meetings every monday there becasue its half price
well its four o clock somewhere in the world
yeah, thats our motto
ok then, but youre gona have to buy a round to get his attention
and that onl lasts until the tin is empty
ok then
you can miss him, hes the half a house with the out of control beard and flashy clothing
ok then, thanks for calling wasted potential enterprise, have a slothful day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

helping a guy clean out the apartment above his bar
the old lady was a little deaf
the perfect tenant
she was sound hunched over with blood all over the place
so taking the carpet up required some delicacy
it was mostly dried up
talk about a severe case of the wllies...
so we are taking the range to the curb
gas fired
with a microwave cabinet on the top
1970s technology, when moicrowaves were as heavy as tv sets
so i get on the bottom end with the weight
we are two steps down,
i slide it to the third step
one step at a time
truer words were never spoken
ready i say?
i bump it down and it keeps coming
past the step i was targeting towards my legs and ankles
i retreat
backwards skipping two or three steps at a time
trying to press this thing above my head
to slow it down some
three more steps backwards
hoping they are there as my speed picks up
three more and now its kinda fun
i know the fun will end soon
i begin thinking how long are these steps
i miss one, but not the next that was close so i kinda jump back
the wall stops me
the range slides towards my knees and i push and it miraculously stops
with exactly enough room for me to stand
my thumb is bent in a new way
it points outabout five degrees
my non stressed thumb points straight
o well
it will certainly be fun trying to carry plates tonight at my seventeen year oldes food runner job
my entry level restaurant gig
at 44 he swiftly progressed through the food service industry ranks and soon was assistant to the assistant manager in charge of putting lemon wedges in water glasses
the thumb is going to be fun to deal with tonight
you kinda need it to grip the plates as you carry them to the hungry people
maybe theres a way
we will see
the physically broken and decrepit ex teacher limped into another job interview for a position he was overqualified for
the twenty someting looked him up and down and he knew right then it was over
something dismissive in the glance
an imperceptible, yet still palpable sniff accompanied the glance
as if, does this olde man smell as back as he looks?
so it was time to have some fun with the jerkoff
"what three attributes do you have which will make you most successful with our company?"
well, my inteeligence, first and foremeost
i mean , im so much smarter than a putz like you that it will take you years to figure out how im stealing your eyes right out of your head
and of course my work ethic, which is to work live a slave when beiong monitored and to nap when no one is looking
add to that my hair trigger temper and you better be afraid of firing me
unless you wanna get really good at piloting a wheelchair around
when do i start?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

definitely spring out here in paradise
two crows harrassing a red tailed hawk
swooping at him caw caw caw
maybe he was in their tree?
i dont know why the hawk took it, what with the talons, a little smaller maybe, and 2 against one
the cat rolling in some catnip
getting high
some sticker bushers with the audacity to be in my way?
when i have my machete?
when i have just read prince valiant?
they fought nobly, but futily.
sitting in the sun
doesnt get much better
a purple bloom, i cant tell irises from crocusses
its one of them
still not a flower yet at noon, maybe by two if it stays nice and warm
so maybe i threw a little tennis in there when i was prince valianting the sticker bushes
the bridge washed downstream about three hundred yards in the high water last month
it almost streches across
i wrestled a log for a half an hour and crossed the gap
im walking like a troll though
the log was waterlogged
waterlogged must mean heavy as shit
so i had to rugby the sucker
but once i had the log across the last two feet of crick
i established a beach head
then it was just a matter of time before the sticker bushes were a pile of sticks
then a path
now the gardener can get across
maybe even the wee ones
if they are careful
the sun is calling me
maybe a nap before the nephews and nieces and screams arrive

Friday, March 21, 2008

Attatched is a resume that never gets me a job forsome reason, but I'm feeling lucky about this onebecasue your ad on craig's list describes me almostexactly, except for that bit about the gall bladder...I put my ex bosses number at the bottom, as well as acouple of teachers I worked with back in the day, whenI was busily saving the world.Apparently the world didn't need my tenderministrations, and I have since then occupied my timewith supporting myself at the poker table with mypension money and a few banquet and landscaping gigs.I'm ready to work 40 hours a week for a place with afuture. If you need peole one step below a genius whohave that customer service ethic that 5 years of TGIFridays drills into you, then I am your man.If you are looking for someone unafraid of Herculeantasks with a dash of Sissyfus, my dozen years in thePhiladelphia School District speak to that.I have been told that I am a natural salesman andremarkably thick skinned. I exude tact and grace, have a winning smile andfrequently pursue a rigorous personal hygeineschedule.In general, people love the fact that I am wayoverqualified for their entry level jobs, and I am onthe cusp of taking one, so don't dawdle if you want meto bring the harry baker experience to you location.Thanks!--- harry baker wrote:>

Thursday, March 20, 2008

ad for a bartender today on craigs
want a FLAIR bartender
2o years ago my manager at tgif made us go see the movie
i specialized in the messy shit, breaking shit flair
i liked throwing full drinks and sometimes they were caught
trowing icecream behind my back into a blender
stacking glases precariously
people ate it up
and if the shit broke it was all part of the party

i didnt know the rubes still found that shit fascinating
bright lights
tall buildings
look at that bartender, esther, he's twirling dem bottles like a majorette for alcoholics
gimmie a g G, gimmie an i I, give me an n N, whats that spell?
whats that mean?

so i sent in my idea about their job in an email

i finished third in three consecutive TGIFridays flairolympics in virginia as a much younger man. as youknow, the tom cruise character in cocktail is workingat a tgif in manhattan, you can tell by the tablecloths.the flair i would bring is a tad rusy, but the verbalflair more than compensates. call me a stand upbartender.i may not catch as cleanly as the young bucks will,but i will have a hell of a time just missing and itwill be a blast because, deep down, dont ya reallywant to see the dude drop the bottle?its like those guys at show with the hacky sacks, justdepressing, that thats how they chose to spend theprecious hours of their youth.i can still toss a full pint glass over my shoulderand catch most of itwhat do you say?

i figure ill be the micheal caine character in the movie and at their bar
the wise old seen it all guy
wiithout the suicide, tho
life is simply too much a carnival right now!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

reducto de absurdum
reduce to the point of absurdity
so i reduced the job
i reduced the tv
i should next focus on the waistline
make a stock
boil the bones down to pure harry
still other voices in my head
still alien influences
influences that panic me
tell me to take shitty jobs
shiite jobs
its always sunni in philadelphia
no panic in harry land
jobs are out there
ill trip over one soon enough
if i starve a few nights thats no problem
on the horns of a dilemma tho
theres a very tasty michelob porter for 999 a case
i should stock my fridge now
but that would be sad
harry is a hoarder
but not a pathetic alcoholic hoarder
so im not down to the banes yet
there is still some flesh on me
still some boiling down to do to get to the pure essense
iam sure i will wake up one day full of energy
knowing the next course of my life
knowing that this is the right move
i know i was sick of the holding action
the delay of death and poverty that was my last sad sad job
waiting to die, making it by
the movie cinderella man comes to mind when i think about the new job
the new part time ob that starts tonight
that guy worked with a broken hand becasue he had to feed his kids
that dude ate shit to work
im not that dude
i will work with attractive waitresses tho
i will hit them with stone age flirtations
this is how neanderthals flirt baybee
it mat be a shitty job, but its a shitty job with boobs and asses
asses in tight pants to make better tips
asses fed by cornbread
delicious cornbread, topped with sugar
served in a cast iron skillet
the greens are quite tasty there too
a shitty job with good food and great asses is a step up from a shitty job with miserable people who are destroyuing the environment by selling air conditioning parts to peopl who hate polar bears and icebergs with a vengance
part time gives me time to clean out my brain
to think like a harry again
to plan my escape
instead of the nightly escape of happy hour
where after a half gallon of 2 dollar pints i started to feel human again
needing the nectar to wash the taste of evil out of my mouth
i wake up happy these days
a little later than a working man but happy to be left the fuck alone
to figure shit out
ill take a shittty job again if necessary
ive proven that before
just not this month

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

four futures
escapist fantasies more than futures
probably not taking another bullshit job
so the contenders are
korea, teaching english, a lavish fantasy of international scope
i need to send a picture in and im on the road so i guess i should do that and dissappear

or PAnational guard, learn to shoot, payback student loans, a 20 k signing bonus
whats the worst that could happen, call it assisted suicide
take my chances?
what else am i doing? seems like an adventure, and the dems say theyll get us out so i should only be over there for a few months, right?
the gov't never fucks its troops up
they heart our troops

or poker dealer school
a month, then im knocking on doors of casinos, begging for works, sweating the drug test
maybe the sanest course, a new career...

or horse farm in the middle of no whare
drop off the earth for a coupla years and wok on my precious words
like i will suddenly discover mental discipline and write like its my job
not bloody likely

i need to do something different
people arent exactly triping over themselves to hire a whacko
so time for bold dramatic strokes
the adventure began when i quit my job with nothing but balls
balls- do your thing -
got get us a job balls
go on
dont be scared
wheres the balls now?
im sure i will learn to like the taste of stewed dog
or to duck bullets
or to smile at assholes
or to not get my foot stepped on by big heavy horses

living the life i choose means im broke
means im not working for an asshole
means my only plan was to derail
the future was obvious and distasteful
so i made a move
one step forward in my mental state
two steps back financially
but, authentically harry
living the life
the life of the idle rich
without the money
the prince
except the kingdom is crumbling
the power transfer mechanism is broken
no one recognizes my greatness, my abilities
im a dime a dozen
cheaper by the pound
valu pak
quantity AND quality
im 278 pounds of primo Beluga
not tha domestic caviar you get at art openings
the real stuff
30 bux a spoonfull
maybe thats the problem i face
the greatness wafts off my resume
itimidating potential bosses
we read your resume with increasing interest
first moetized, then sensual
it turned to dread halfway through your cover letter
when we realized that you were a demigod, a season , an idea
ungoverned by the laws of mere mortals
eternal nothingness
a void
a whisper
fresh fish gone bad
dear sirs
i am applying for the position in your web ad for turkey folder
i have always had a passion for poultry oragami
and turkey, especially the free range, died of old age after living a full life turkey descibed in your ad sounds like the perfect mix for both my hippy sensibilites and my burgeoningcapitalist tendencies
i am willing to take a one year internship and to test any drugs you would like me too
i hope the drug test includes mushroms or special k
ive been dying to try cat tranquilizers ever since my brothers crazy amazon ex grilfriend got fired for stealing them
i hear it is a cloudy kind of trippy high

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I applied to be an ice-cream man today
they said it was for serious $$$$
so you know I'm all about that
cash rules everything around me
ice cream
grab the money
lotta dollar bill ya'll

i also applied to live at a stroke victims house
free room and board
20 hour work week
and hes only nine years older than me
i told him I'd understand if he wanted some young hottie doing the job
but that we actually might have someting to talk about

i also may be a secutiry guard soon
or follow a disturbed student to his classes
or a uniform delivery guy
lets see who bites
i have several lines in the water
id like to think im highly employable

i also posted my own ad
gin rummy, breakfasts painting and poker tourneys
ill fix your breakfast
paint your house
play gin and drink gin with you
maybe a trip to a poker tourney once a week
heck, even some yardwork
maybe some olde person thinks that sounds lie heaven
we shall see

its so exciting being unemployed with craigslist
everyday brings new futures to my laptop
and im really nailing the wack job sounding cover letter now
hitting every note
sure, my inbox is empty
but that just means they are philistines
some one with imagination will read one of these missives
and then its life on easy street, baybee

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The bag was big for 50 bucks
Dude charged me 60 because I went from 2 bags to one
Cutting his profits I figure
But you have to send a scout

He may have jammed me due to the fact that hes in recovery
Party jealousy tax
For whatever reason
I don’t have connections in the white drug world
Barely in the green
But every now and then I like to fuck with some

This shit isn’t the shit I did in with rugby players in argentina
The most secretest because that’s when people were disappearing down there
Recently anyway
Mothers marching around the fountain
It was nice shit
As was the shit in the diplomatic pouch from Egypt
They were lining up a wife for me as I was leaving DC
My boy got three grand and an apartment
I was in line for the same

But this is about shit

The ritual shit
The shit where someone is big daddy and shares
Or a group gets some crappy bar shit
hoping to get "the nod" and walk to a secluded spot
maestro of the razor, do your thing
no, you take the fat line
heres a bill, in tube form
or someone hands you a key and a glassine envelope
you got a boulder in your 'stashe, dude

But every now and then you get a nice bag
it a nice surprise
These days its ready rock
Some rerock stuff, modern science
It aint the bolivian brick in argentina
Is a scientific replicant and the numb is nice
Prolly eucalyptus based

So the pitch is always the same
How good the shit is
And you play along
Because your circle is not the fiend set
But you can tell
The mental fight is to be right
To call the dude on his dudes shit
To start some shit
But then you are shitless
So it’s a quandary

i took a job as a food runner around the corner at the blues club
i applied to be a bartender
the manager glossed over that
telling me about the open position as if it was the one i applied for
im taking money out of some seventeen year olds pocket
he may have to turn to a life of crime
at least im walking to work
manager was a soft faced little guy
shaven head
asking me why i wanted to work in the blues club instead of asking me the real question that danced behind his eyes
he wanted me
i can tell
its my blessing to be attractive to all manner of deviants
pursuers of deviant insertive acts of the anus
mouthers of private parts
rage addicts who think they can out rugby me
hops heads who think they can out beer me by knowing more about the beer when the game is all about quafing quantities man
a half gallon is a warm up for me
that gets me thinking right
where i go once the thoughts are properly lubricated is up to the world
im a reactor
whatever the world dishes up i can take
as long as it is not a soul-draining, time consuming job at the ass end of the universe
i swear i saw the tip of the cosmic enema tube pop in the front door at work one day last week
but thats what youd expect at the ass end of reality
now to smile as i write another hire me email
you can really see difference in my writing when im smiling or not
guess what im doing now?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Puffy red faced reflection in the sunglasses display
“Look at the dying fat man mommy!” exclaims a princess laden four year old with her life in front of her
Jokes on her
By the time shes done wasting 2 years in a commuity college, she’ll be a fifty grand in debt and no jobs with benefits anywhere in the tri-state area. Unless she wants to change baby boomers diapers for twelve bucks an hour on a probationary basis for six months.
Universal health coverage will be chugging along nicely, but at 150 a week and 100 dollar copay for doctors visits and 50 buck prescriptions, its no bargain
The Chinese owners of the country will still have jobs for English tutors in the mandarin provinces, but the pollution is so bad there that they all have to wear masks 3 days out of five
They will forgive your student loan debt though, now that they ownall federal loans when they decided not to renew our rolling credit line and instead bought all our citizens federal debts.
Weird how they knew that was coming and allied with India, Russia and japan to buy up all the oil on the marker and squeeze us into a slow death.
The new landlords aint bad tho
they’ve had thousands of years of ruling peasants under their belt
A very old and very wise culture
A culture with long memories
Remembering when they came to this country as coolies and sub human laboreres who could not by law compete with white men for jobs
Second class citizens, who could only labor in womans work, laundries and kichens.
Soon there was a Chinese restaurant on every corner, with a dry cleaner on the other and a conveinience store selling 40’s on the third.
English is still the language of business, but the high level lawyers all speak Cantonese now
So learn to speak chink you rude little tyke
You will make some Chinese business owner a beautiful whore
Ill have had my stroke by the time the mayan astronauts land
I wooda liked to have seen them tho
Who knew the mayans were Chinese too?

Friday, March 07, 2008

i may have to puke on dave eggers
to up the ante
to repay his marketing strategy in spades
when he paid people to protest him
it was just good marketing
when i puke on him its more of the same
i should just be careful not to publish this until after the incident
premeditated puking will get you time
ahhh, no one reads this anyway
ill stand in line for an autograph
hand him the book
express some platitudes and say i wanna shake your hand
hit him with the kung fu grip
drag him towards my vomitous self
im thinking 1 dollar double cheeseburgers at this point
i need a video crew
then i can start selling insurance
are u a celebrity
do you want to get to 2009 puke free?
buy my garunteed vomit insurance
my sales website will be puke-qeada dot com
pronounced "puke hater"
for a grand i promise i wont come to your live event and puke on you
can you see me at the oscars?
britnee spears is on the carpet
being interviewed
what are you wearing?
well, the dress is dolche gabana
the diamonds are pablo neuruti
the shoes are keds and some fat dude vomited on me earlier
you mean you didnt buy the insurance?
you dumb hillbily!
the website will have a hit list of targets
maybe a bounty on them
you tube will love me puking on dave eggers
and then the rest of the list
will have to be generated
a big red x thru dave eggers face
with the date he got spumed
maybe thats the clearinghouse for the latest web sensation
do celebrities make you barf?
wanna do something about it
i can teach you to regurgitate on cue in a few short days
your ninja barf training came begins with relearning how to swallow
our reverse swallowing technology can make you an internet celebrity overnight

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Filling out job apps again
An emancipated laborer
I granted myself freedom from my 8-430 job by harvesting poker winnings from the neighborhood
I have a full check and whats left of a grand
Ill prepay a month of rent and even paint if I have to
To keep my freedom
Im applying for tutoring jobs
Waiting for the teaching credentials to reappear
I need to fill out some forms, pay some bucks and maybe take a test
Until then im filling out apps
Reason for leaving job: the sense of dread that accompanied me on my daily commute, that and the dead-end-edness of the enterprise.
Hope this new boss/saviour has a sense of humor
My pen cant lie
I use integrity brand ink in it
Falsehood turn invisible with my brand of ink
Only gently massaged truths and brutal honesty flow from my hands
Whose got time to lie?
Whose got time for fiction?
Reality is entertaining enough
I send wild emails daily
To employers listing jobs on Craig list
I told the guy looking for golf course workers that that had been my fantasy job since high school,
Which is when I saw the movie caddy shack
I told the Buddhists that needed catering interns in California that I needed peace and quiet, the redwoods sounded peaceful and that I hope they could extend the internship to forever if I fell in love with the place as easily in person as I did on their website
The lawn care people claimed to have environmentally “responsible” methods, and I told them that if that was the case Id sell the shit out of their fertilizer to hippy earth moms and their offspring. He called me back to say my commute would be a deal breaker.
so damn,
people do seem to be willing to hire freaks.
So maybe my freakishness is an asset I should highlight more
My calling card will be the outlandish introductory letter
Followed by the solid credentials
This one lady keeps blowing me off
Ive sent her three wild emails about teaching as a sub in her schools
My gardening and rugby visions
My kid centered word ventures
Shes afraid of me
So ill keep sending her stuff each week
Until she breaks
I told her to please just call mme in one day for a formal observation in any classromm in any subject on my first day with minimal prep time
With or without lesson plans
any age group
Garunteed relevant lesson plans
In writing
I have something to share with all kids
Just let me at them
This is why I need to quit sitty jobs
It keeps me from imagining my future
Why this week already I was a Pappas an in korea
Teaching English there
or in Vietnam on a beach with lower and lower levels of agent orange in the flora every year!
Unexploded ordinance has almost all been found
And the thai stick here is unrivalled
Yeah biatch


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

god smiled on me and i won the poker tournament
god doesnt want me o work for an asshole anymore
so now i have to do god a solid and go spread the word
book of bakeowski
verse 10 blog 328
and he so loved his nephew
his vagbond, noncommital, out of wedlock nephew
that he rained good fortune upon his nephew
such that he never had to suffer an asshole boss again
for he so loved his nephew

open your hymnal to page 22
"nephew of the lord,
hear his holy word
worship at the poker table of the lord
raise his bet and steal his blind
and we sing this song of love
halla lou
halla lou
holler at your boy lou yeah yeah"

Monday, March 03, 2008

i have a pocket full of cash and a dead end job awaiting me tommorrow
if i go in
rent is paid thru march
i have a full paycheck coming in on thursday
about a grand in cash in my pocket
and no desire to work for an asshole anymore
so heres the deal
i will play in this little poker tournament tonight
if i win it
i will quit my job
if i lose
ill go back and eat a little shit
they do pay benefits
and thats important is what people say
i cant see me eating any shit
i figure i have a month or so before money gets too tight
thats plenty of time for a motivated man to find a job
i could just go by work tommorrow to make sure my side of the story is heard
13.75 an hour times eight
104 a day pretax
about 80 after taxes
so if i dont show wheres the 80 bucks come from?
i could go to atlantic city tomorrow and apply at the casinos
and hope to hook up before the end of the month
i will trust the universe
if the universe wants me to quit my job i should win this poker tournament tonight
if not, ill go collect some cash from the asshole place
if i wake up with a positive attitude
if i wake up with no self esteem
if i wake up with nothing better to do
the goal, then, is to come up with something better to do with my time tomorrow than go collect 80 bucks from some jerkoff
tick tock tick tock

Sunday, March 02, 2008

cheapest mofo in the world
i fill my flask on the way to the dance party
i dont pay retail for booze
ill sit sipping bubbly water, before ill pay
unless i know the owner
ill pay retail at the shamrock pub
he lets me play poker in the back
took 420 home last week
every beer i buy there is an investment
the shamrock is much closer than atlantic city
where i should live
dealing cards to degenerates until i get too olde to work
everything else is boring
i can sell my ass off
people thank me on the way out of the parts house
thank me for blowing them off
thank me for not seling to them
stark contrast to the prick i work with
who seems to take joy in denying these people access to heating parts
they ask me to bend the rules just once
and we are discussing situational ethics
im good at saying sorry
practice makes perfect
44 years of "my bads"
i never said sorry to the kids for the epithet
maybe thats a good title for the book
now that the world travelling scheme has bean stillborn
sorry n
he he he
that would sell
all it has to do is be written now
chapter one
the birth of a racist